What is beauty really about?

There are so many articles and books about what beauty is and what makes us beautiful. Sometimes the tips and advice in these sources can be very conflicting, which ends us leaving us even more confused. What is beauty really about? To answer this question, I love John Kenneth Galbraith’s quote – There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting. There is no straight way of achieving beauty and there is no absolute standard of beauty. It is different for everyone, which is why we really should take these words of advice with a pinch of salt and work out which of the tips work for us.

Dealing with a bad day image

Every woman has her own beauty and I believe every woman is her own version of beautiful. I love the saying – Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. We really should remember that when we look at these fancy magazines with models wearing perfect makeup.

Here are 2 ideas of what beauty is really about –

Being happy in yourself

Being happy in yourself is one of the most important beauty tips anyone could ever give. It can be tricky sometimes but being really happy is the most important beauty advice of all. Do whatever makes you happy in yourself.

Accepting your features

Embrace all that makes you you. Accept your features, fall in love with each and every one of them. Get to know them, get to understand how to work with them.

Living is more enjoyable than appearing

There is a lot more to a beautiful face. It pays to have an attractive face and I am not playing it down in anyway. However, I am usually more interested in the person behind the face. There is a lot more to a pretty face. As cliche as it sounds, beauty comes from within, living is way more enjoyable than appearing, so we should remember to live and not focus on just looking the part.

The luxury skincare and makeup products will not make you as attractive as you think if you are ugly on the inside. They may do little or nothing if that is all you are focusing on. It is easy to get obsessed with our looks, but we should remember not to neglect other parts that make us who we are. Which is why we should focus on our inside as much as we focus on our outside. Beauty is only skin deep, but real ugly goes clear to the bone.




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