When the Boiler Breaks Down

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes, life happens and we are not prepared. Life happened in our house some weeks ago. Our 4-year-old boiler started acting up. This came as a rude shock because I didn’t expect our new boiler (it is just 4 years old) to start misbehaving so quickly.

It started with a loud whistling sound whenever it came on, which was annoying. Then it got louder and louder, and the water temperature started going warm and cold.


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This is the first time the boiler has acted up. It has been fine for 4 winters now, and we have never had issues with our boiler in our previous homes. We usually get the boiler serviced once a year by a plumber (except that year we completely forgot, lol), and we have been fine so far, until now.

I was thankful the boiler started this drama in May. Imagine how depressing it would have been if it happened in the dead of winter! Having a cold shower would have been sickening.


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Luckily for us, we were able to get the plumber that serviced our boiler last year, to come over. He came on the same day and had it checked out. It took him just seconds to figure what the problem was, it was pressure related (don’t ask), and he had it up and running in minutes.

The whole experience has brought my attention to how many of us are never ready for unexpected costs like a boiler breakdown. I couldn’t imagine what we would have done if we had to replace the entire boiler, or if the repair was going to cost us thousands of pounds. Luckily for us, it didn’t cost a penny, but what if we needed to get parts and stuff, we don’t have a boiler cover because we think it is money down the drain, but we have to revisit the idea of getting the boiler covered to avoid issues like this.

Has your boiler ever broken down? How did you cope? Do you have a boiler cover?


*Collaborative post





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