The Evergreen Guide to Sustaining Business Blog Relevance

*Collaborative post.

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Once was a hobby has now become a superpower for many businesses. Content creation for businesses has always been a thing. From the 17th century, there were paper dolls showing off dresses that the upper society in Paris was wearing; then, you had all of those radio shows back in the early 1900s. Even now, with YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms, you’re basically being hit daily with ads. 

Content creation can be great; it’s a more entertaining and informative way to get information to the customers. In fact, back in the early 2000s, and to a degree, even nowadays, blogging is still relevant. Sure, bite-sized video content is super prevalent nowadays, but blogging is here, and it’s probably here to stay forever, thanks to its importance. When it comes to blogging, one thing you need to think about, especially as a business owner, is relevancy. As a business owner, you’re going to have to stay relevant in a variety of shapes and forms- and blogging is one of them. 

Sure, most business owners, even hobbyists, will put social media and other forms of content creation first and usually put blogging on the back burner. This is something you obviously don’t want to do; all of these should be treated equally because there are so many different ways that your audience is going to find you, and with SEO, it’s usually blogging. So, how can you stay relevant with blogging? Well, here’s what you need to know!

You’ll Always Need to Understand Your Audience 

The foundation of a successful business blog is a deep understanding of your target audience. That means you’ll need to regularly revisit your buyer personas to ensure you know who you’re writing for. So, this means that you’ll need to understand their pain points, interests, and challenges. So, why is this even important? Well, this knowledge will guide your content creation efforts and keep your blog relevant to your audience’s needs. This isn’t just about blogging; it’s for all content creation. You can’t stay relevant if you’re not keeping up. 

It’s Crucial to Follow Industry Trends

Oh, trends, love them or hate them; they’re here to stay forever. Trends have become so short-lived, and while it’s annoying, as a creator, you need to follow them to show that your brand is relevant. Think of it this way: to stay relevant, you must stay informed. This means that you’ll want to keep a close eye on industry trends, emerging technologies, and changes in consumer behavior. So, it’s best to go ahead and subscribe to industry publications, attend webinars, and follow thought leaders on social media. This knowledge will help you create content that addresses current issues and keeps your readers engaged.

Consistency is Key

Consistency in publishing is crucial for maintaining a strong online presence. What all content creators and business owners do for this is create a content calendar and stick to it. Whether you publish weekly, biweekly, or monthly, establish a consistent schedule that your audience can rely on. Consistency builds trust and encourages readers to return to your blog regularly. It’s not just the blog; it’s all content. 

Collabs are Key

Just as consistency is key, it’s honestly the same for collabs, too. This just isn’t about your blog but content in general. All hobbyists and business owners are going to greatly benefit by opting for this. You get more notice, more eyes get on you, and it’s like an “exchange” when collabing too. Plus, these collaborations can introduce your blog to new audiences and build credibility. Besides, for new blogging opportunities sign up here. You absolutely don’t want to miss out on this whatsoever.

 It’s All About Quality

As mentioned above, consistency is always going to be a major essential, but it doesn’t really start or stop there when it comes to creating relevant content for your brand. High-quality content resonates with readers and drives engagement. Meaning you’ll need to prioritise well-researched, informative, and well-written articles. If you can’t maintain both quantity and quality, it’s better to publish less frequently while delivering valuable content. Seriously, high quality is where it’s at, and search engines can pick up on low quality and fluff, something you’ll want to avoid at all costs. 

Are You Engaging with Your Audience? 

They say that one of the best ways to build up an audience and keep them is through a parasocial relationship. Honestly, there are a lot of perks, but the thing is, it’s not just about sharing your business or sharing your personal life; it’s also about strong engagement. Blogging is not a one-way street. 

Meaning you’ll need to engage with your audience through comments, social media, and email. Respond to comments on your blog, answer questions, and encourage discussions. This interaction not only fosters a sense of community but also helps you understand your audience’s needs better. You can’t expect a parasocial relationship if you’re not interacting. 

Keep Diversifying Your Content

While blogs are great for business, this shouldn’t be the only thing you do though. Under any circumstances, never focus just on one platform for your business. What’s far better for you is creating a variety of different content, as this is basically needed nowadays for relevancy. Diversify your content by incorporating videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive content. Different people prefer different formats, so offering variety can attract a broader audience and keep your blog fresh and engaging.

Are You Adapting?

This is probably the biggest of them all, so are you adapting? In order to stay relevant, you need to keep up with the times, which basically means that you need to always stay open-minded about making changes to yourself, your content creation, and your business model itself.   Be prepared to adapt to new technologies, platforms, and trends. 

Embrace emerging social media networks, explore content distribution channels, and be open to trying new approaches. Staying relevant means being adaptable and willing to evolve with the times. If you don’t adapt, you’ll fall through pretty quickly, and this basically means that you’ll quickly fade more and more into irrelevancy. 

Regularly Refresh Your Content

Whether you’re focusing on something more evergreen or not for your content, sometimes you’ll just need to refresh it in order to not only stay relevant but also stay ranked in search engines too. Outdated content can harm your blog’s reputation. Additionally, create a plan to update evergreen content to reflect changes in your industry or new insights you’ve gained. It doesn’t even need to take very long either, which helps a lot!

Always Leverage User-Generated Content

This isn’t just about your blog, but it is about all the content that you make for your business in general. In fact, one reason why so many big brands try to make trends is all for the fact that they’re expecting their customers to make UGC, which is basically free mass marketing. If you’re a little guy, yeah, it’s going to be far more challenging, but creating content based on what you have for your blogs will help a lot. 

You can then ask your followers/ customers to make their own posts referring to the content you made, sometimes like a hashtag or even stitching your videos to theirs.  So, why does this matter? Well, not only adds authenticity but also engages your audience and builds a sense of community around your brand.

Keep a Close Eye on Competitors

Do your competitors create content? What about blogs? If they do, it’s going to help your business out a lot by keeping a close eye on your competitors’ blogs to stay informed about industry trends and strategies. You might want to analyse their content, social media activities, and audience engagement. Use this information to identify gaps you can fill and opportunities to stand out.

Always Invest in Visual Content

As mentioned earlier, it’s all about the quality of your content since this is key for staying relevant, but it is also about keeping traction for your blog and all content. If it’s not aesthetically pleasing, then it might not be what the people want. Visual content, such as infographics, images, and videos, can significantly enhance your blog’s appeal. Visuals make complex information more digestible and shareable. 

Why not try to experiment with different types of visual content to capture your audience’s attention? You can even check out Pinterest for some visual-based content ideas that other bloggers and business owners do, too. 

Final Thoughts

Is blogging dying? While a lot of news outlets are saying it is, it’s not; it’s just simply evolving, just like all other forms of content. Sustaining relevance in business blogging is an ongoing commitment. While yes it’s a lot of work but you can keep your blog fresh, engaging, and influential in your industry. Just remember that relevance is a dynamic concept, and staying ahead requires continuous effort, innovation, and a deep understanding of your audience and industry trends. No matter how tough it might seem, don’t give up on this; you’ll thank yourself later. 


6 Tips on How to Successfully Run an Online Business

Starting an online business is no small feat! Despite the e-commerce industry’s prominence and increasing profitability, 90% of online businesses fail within four months. 

Therefore, successfully running an online business requires more than just courage; having the right information before delving in is essential. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of six valuable tips to keep in mind when starting and running an online business. 

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Picture source: here

  • Determine your product market fit

This is the stage at which you ask yourself important questions. Which product or service are you hoping to offer? Will it solve actual problems and meet the needs of potential clients? Who’s your target audience? It’s imperative to clarify these things before starting out. Even when you’ve already begun, these questions can help you refine your strategy.

  • Build a website

Just like a store or office makes it easy for customers to physically locate a business, think of a website as a place for internet users to find you without leaving the comfort of their homes. Creating a functional website with e-commerce websites like Shopify, Wix, or WooCommerce, while utilizing SEO to help customers find your site helps build your business credibility and reach. To reinforce the link between SEO and the sustainability of an online business, research shows that about 53.3% of site traffic comes from organic search results.

  • Harness the power of social media

Building an online presence that extends from a website to social media can be a goldmine in the era of profitable social commerce. Research has shown that about  57% of internet users discover new brands or products through social media. Beyond that, social media allows you to connect more easily with your target audience. Creating helpful and fun posts that resonate with people is a way to build a community around your business. This builds trust and ensures that people immediately think of your business when they want to solve a problem.

  • Email marketing

 Once you’ve established your business in people’s minds through a website and an active social media presence, now you have to keep your business in their minds. Email marketing is an easy way to do this. A solid email campaign involves consistently releasing newsletters, ads, and personalised reminders to customers to revisit your online store. 

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Picture source: Pexels

  • Financial management 

With all these online business strategies in place, there will naturally be an increase in your finances. So maintaining a good strategy for managing your finances is essential. Some important things to keep in mind are properly managing your books, separating personal funds from business income, developing a good invoicing system, making suitable investments and sticking to your budget.

  • Prioritizing customer satisfaction

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Keeping them satisfied is instrumental to keeping your business thriving. Have a good customer care strategy in place to resolve complaints and offer assistance when needed. You could also create customer satisfaction feedback systems to get a sense of how well you’re doing in this area. Remember that the “customer is king.”

With these few tips in hand, you can be well on your way to establishing a successful online business that thrives.


Digital Solutions for your Business

*Collaborative post.

As more and more of the world goes online, it has become even more important to create and maintain an online for your business. Gone are the days of trying to run a successful business without the big wide web. Since having your business online is so important, it is worth paying attention to all the details to ensure it is a success especially when you have a new product to sell.

As a business owner myself, I understand how important it is to get a new product or service right. The last thing any business needs is to waste money and time on products and services that do not serve the purpose they were created for. This is where UX/UI designs come in, and companies like Make it Clear provides a UX/UI design service that helps organisations rebuild or redesign a product from scratch.

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UX/UI Design Principles

When it comes to creating a new product for your business, it is essential to stick to the main UI UX design principles which are as follows:

Meet the user’s need

Now, this is the first and the most principle. It is important products are created to meet the user’s need. There is no point in creating or designing a product that does not serve its purpose. UX/UI design agencies like Make it Clear ensure that products designed meet the needs of the target market, which is why it makes sense to hire a reputable digital agency to achieve this principle.


It is so important to ensure your product is easily accessible to as many people as possible. The last thing you would want for your business is to have the right product and for it to not be readily accessible to some groups.


The quality of your product should be consistent so it is easy to recognise. You want your design to follow the right standards and use consistent concepts all through the process in other to create a general look and feel of the product. Consistency is key especially when it comes to digital solutions.

Simple design

As with many things, less is more, so do ensure you keep your designs simple and functional. You don’t want to spend valuable resources going overboard on a product that would only distract the users. Keep things simple, and stick to a minimalistic design.

Provide straightforward guidance

If you are anything like me then you would dislike reading manuals when you get a new product. I am too impatient to read manuals, so I like to play around with it until I figure out how the product works. Sometimes, I get really frustrated and use a search engine to find some guidance. I only ever use a manual when everything else fails and when I do, I like it straightforward. No one really has the time these to go through an entire booklet to find out how a new gadget works. So ensure whatever leaflet or guidance you provide for your product is straightforward

Are you a business owner? What do you think of these UI UX design principles?

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