Beauty Advent Calendars

I received two Beauty Advent Calendars this year and I am eager to share my thoughts on them. Advent Calendars are a great way to countdown to Christmas. It adds to the hype and festive season, and I love that about them. Growing up, there was nothing like stocking fillers or Advent Calendars. We had Christmas gifts, loads of them, but the concept of having a gift a day in December was not known as far as I know. But I like this concept and I am happy my kids would experience this.


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Sleek MakeUP  A Gift A Day Advent Calendar

I love the packaging of this beauty calendar. Sleek MakeUP did a great job on it! The gold, black and pink look fab! The contents are as amazing as the packaging. I like the fact of grabbing a Sleek treat a day, and I am looking forward to tearing the boxes everyday (until I run out) this December.

I have had to upgrade my beauty storage at home with a bigger version because my previous storage was on the brink of explosion!


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This 25 day Beauty Advent Calendar is quite affordable at £35, and you can grab it at Boots Stores. I will be sharing photos of each gift and look on Instagram everyday, so make sure you are following me on there, if you haven’t followed already.


Mad Beauty Advent Calendar A Beauty Surprise behind every door

Mad Beauty Advent Calendar Image


This is the second Beauty Advent Calendar I received. This is a 24 day Beauty Calendar and it retails for £20 at Find Me a Gift. I love the packaging, the black and pink works beautifully. Mad Beauty got this right!

The gift for day 1 is an eyeshadow palette, which I am loving. I will be sharing looks and swatches on Instagram everyday with the products for each day so stay tuned.


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What do you think of these Beauty Advent Calendars?


*PR samples.

Christmas Beauty Advent Calendar

I have never had a Christmas Advent Calendar. In fact, I never knew they existed until a year ago. I am very into all things beauty as my regular readers would know but I am still yet to get my very first Christmas Advent Calendar. Most of the Advent Calendars I would like are very pricey. I have a very expensive taste and I think beauty calendars are a clear case of you get what you pay for. There is no point buying an Advent Calendar from a brand you don’t like and get products you are not excited about. That will be a waste of time and money.

While shopping and contemplating on which Christmas Advent Calendar to get, I came across this engaging and interactive beauty Christmas Advent Calendar by Book Your Lifestyle – a community of UK beauty, health and fitness experts at your service 24/7, and it had my full attention.


The Book Your Lifestyle Christmas Beauty Advent Calendar is basically 24 days of amazing prices that is sure to get people talking. The prices are worth £4000, and they range from beauty treatments at a London spa, nail and hair salon to beauty products and many more. This beauty campaign goes live today and will run until 24th December. Closing date for entry will be midnight on every day between the December 1st and December 24th.

I am super excited about this campaign. I am always in need of a beauty treatment. I will be in London for a few days after Christmas so I am hoping a win treatment. I can never say no to a spa day. I think this Christmas Beauty Advent Calendar is a great idea. Book Your Lifestyle really thought outside the box for this one. I think it would be very popular and good fun.

On that note,  I am off to Book Your Lifestyle website to click on today’s window. Good luck to all of us.

Happy #Glitzmas2016 xo

*This is a collaborative post.

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