Why I take daily showers and moisturise my skin everyday

Growing up, taking daily showers and moisturising was the norm. I didn’t know of any other way to keep clean. Later in life, I found out so many other people don’t take daily showers and do not moisturise everyday, and I was like what? I am now used to the fact that not everyone has daily showers. Many people think their skin is more healthy if they skip a shower a day or 2. I disagree with that. No shower means they have no reason to moisturise (their opinion). Some do shower more regularly but see no reason why they should moisturise their skin afterwards. I disagree.


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Why I take daily showers

I can’t imagine not taking daily showers. Even when I feel ill, I feel instantly better after a shower/bath. Water has the power like that. It could just be my mindset and my upbringing that has me set in my ways. But I can’t imagine deliberately having showers only a couple of days a week. I think I  will feel very dirty.

The whole idea of daily showers drying out the skin is a myth as far as I know. My skin looks great for a 30 something year old mum of 2. As long as the shower isn’t too warm, and you are not in there for ages, your skin will be fine. I always use natural soaps/bodywash , so nothing too harsh on my skin. And I don’t scrub my skin too hard. Gentle scrubbing with mild bodywash/soap and not too warm shower works great for my skin and my mental health. Also, moisturising your skin immediately after having a shower would help replenish any lost moisture. More on that below.


Why I moisturise my skin everyday

Using the right skincare products for your skin type is also very important. I always make sure I have the right skincare products stocked in my bathroom cabinet for my daily routine. As a beauty blogger, I come across all sorts of skincare/beauty products every week, and I always restock products that work great on my skin. It is very important to moisturise your skin everyday. It keeps your skin hydrated and looking supple. The moisturiser also helps your skin regain any lost moisture from showering.

I always apply my moisturiser immediately after showering. That way my skin can soak in all the goodness.


Evolve Beauty Body Wash Image


I know my skincare routine won’t work for everyone but it works great for me. The thought of deliberating skipping daily showers and moisturising makes me itch 😊

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