Fashion Blogging & Social Media

A successful fashion blogger has to be a Jack of all trades and a multitasking pro. Social media management, writing, photography, marketing, editing, are some of the required skills you will be needing. You are your own stylist, writer, editor, photographer (sometimes), social media manager, marketer and accountant. I am not aware of any other job that requires anyone to wear these many hats.


It took me some months to get use to juggling all these duties, and I am still learning on the job. The better you are at handling these roles, the better you are as a fashion blogger, and the more opportunities that will come your way. When I first started Fashion and Style Police, I struggled with managing all my social media accounts, especially Twitter. I just didn’t understand the whole harsh tagging thing going on, and I struggled to build up a loyal following.


I also did not want to create a separate Tweet account for the blog so I just updated the blog details on my existing, personal Twitter account, and took it from there. Looking back I think that was a major mistake, it would have been better to keep the accounts separate. I have come too far to bother creating a new one so I will just make the most of what I have but don’t make the same mistake I made. Have separate Twitter, Facebook Fan Page, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts for your blog.

I will be sharing weekly blogging tips and secrets from my blogging experience so far, as I can see from my stats page, they are very popular. Read my last Fashion Blogging post on photography tips for your outfit pictures.

Thanks for reading, I enjoy reading your comments so please leave me one and remember to share, share, share.


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