Amy Schumer Covers Glamour Magazine UK May 2017

Amy Schumer – American stand-up comedian, writer, actress, and producer, is the cover girl for Glamour Magazine May 2017, and in this issue, she talks about her fame, love life, her happiness and a lot more.



This issue looks very interesting, I am loving the features on the cover. For the price of £1, it looks really worth it.

I know little or nothing about Amy Schumer, and I am curious to know more about her, so I can clearly see myself reading this issue. I find her very funny, and I believe she speaks the truth.

Here are some of Amy’s famous quotes.


On Body Image in Hollywood

“At my first audition when I was 21, they were like, ‘You should either lose weight or gain a bunch of weight, like be the fat friend or the romantic lead.’ Can you believe they said this?” she said. “But I feel like more than other people saying it, it’s a self-inflicted thing. We put pressure on ourselves and hold ourselves to this unrealistic standard.'”

I can believe they said that. Hollywood must be the craziest place in the world!


On the Kardashians

“We have to be a role model for these little girls. Because who do they have? All they have literally is the Kardashians.
“A whole family who take the faces they were born with as a light suggestion? No!
We used to have Khloe and Khloe was ours. Whenever there is a group of women you identify with one of them right? Like with Sex and The City, you were like I’m such a Samantha.’
“Khloe has lost half her body weight. Khloe has lost a Kendall. We have nothing. I want good role models!”



I am looking forward to grabbing a copy of this issue. I am 100% sure it would be a good read. Amy Schumer speaks the truth every time.

What do you think? Are you a fan of Amy Schumer?







Jourdan Dunn Covers Glamour Magazine UK April 2017

The beautiful Jourdan Dunn is the cover girl for Glamour Magazine UK April 2017, and I am loving the cover!




Jourdan Dunn looks great on this month’s Glamour Magazine cover. I love her short hair and simple makeup. Her outfit is edgy and so her, and that smile is so beautiful. This is one issue I will definitely be reading this month.

In this issue, Dunn chats with Glamour about her career, new collection with Missguided, and everything else in between.


On her new collection – LouDunn + Missguided

“I want to have the final say, because it’s my name and it’s a representation of me. I don’t want to have my name on it if other people have done all the work.”

I like the sound of this collection already, and can’t wait to see it in flesh!


On designing a collection for “real women” vs models

“I don’t really like the term ‘real women’. When you compare ‘real women’ to models, it’s like they are not real, and it’s like, what do you mean? I live on earth. I have breasts, I have a vagina, I am very much real.”

I get what Jourdan means, she is a real woman of course, but many of these collections are not designed with a ‘real woman’ in mind.  But I guess since this collection is a representation of her, it is going to fit a certain body type more than others, and there is nothing wrong with that.





On her attitude to life

“I have down moments, but I just let them be moments and not drag on. I’m like ‘Be a big girl, get on with it, you’ve got shit to do’.”

That is exactly how I see life too.


I love the sound of this issue, it ticks all the right boxes for me. I am looking forward to reading Jourdan Dunn’s interview in full, and the other features as well.

Will you be reading? What are your thoughts on this issue?






Dakota Johnson Covers Glamour Magazine UK March 2017

Dakota Johnson – the Fifty Shades of Grey star is the cover girl for Glamour Magazine March 2017 issue.



I really like this magazine cover. It looks very different from the other covers on the newsstands, which is a good thing. And Dakota Johnson looks very different on the cover too. I think she looks very beautiful. I love her makeup and hair a lot.

I know little or nothing about this cover star, I have seen the famous Fifty Shades of Grey movie, and I am not a fan of it at all. It made no sense to me, and the acting was not good enough in my opinion. There was a lot of room left for improvement. On that note, I don’t see myself buying this issue. But for those who may be thinking of grabbing it, here are some excerpts from Johnson’s interview with Glamour magazine.


On whether her parents have seen any of her movies –

“They haven’t because it’s such a tricky thing. It’s too uncomfortable for them. It’s one thing if a film has one sex scene in it, but with this, a large part of the premise is the arc of their sexual relationship, and I think that’s a little inappropriate for my family to watch.”

So sad her family can’t watch her biggest movie to date because of the very raunchy sex scenes.





On whether she can ever imagine a time when she thinks: “I wish I hadn’t done those films” –

“It comes in waves. But this project is not going to be my swan song. It has put my life on a path that I didn’t plan to go down, but I do feel proud of it. And the films have allowed me to do so many different projects and travel so much. In the end, Fifty Shades has plopped me in a world that I really wanted to be in.”

I guess Fifty Shades opened the door of fame for her. That is good.


What do you think of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie? Have you seen it? Are you a fan?


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