Style Icon – Cindy Bruna

The beautiful and stylish Cindy Bruna is the Style Icon for the month on Fashion and Style Police. I came across the young lady some years ago and I was so blown away by her fashion sense and how much she has achieved in the modelling world at such a young age. Cindy Bruna is originally from the South of France but relocated to Paris some years to pursue a career in modelling. You can easily catch her on the runaway modelling for Victoria’s Secret (one of my favourite lingerie brands). She has also appeared in campaigns for Prada, Burberry, Chanel, Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren. This young woman is the real deal.

I love how stylish Cindy Bruna is off the runaway. She knows what suits her body shape and her hair and makeup is always on point too! I am here for it!


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Style Icon – Cindy Bruna

Bruna’s modelling future looks very bright. She has an amazing body, which ticks all the modelling boxes. Her legs are unbelievable. I like spotting new fresh faces on runaways and campaigns. It is always good to add some freshness to the fashion industry in general. I bet Cindy Bruna will be doing her modelling thing for many years to come. She has what it takes to take her modelling career to dizzy heights and she always looks good whenever she is photographed. I love her sense of fashion a lot. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the fashion industry today.


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What do you think of Cindy Bruna as a Style Icon? Are you a fan? Please share your views in the comments section below, let’s chat.

You can also check out a video of our Style Icon doing what she knows how to best below –



Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely week ahead.

Instagram Picture Of The Week – Kim Kardashian & Kendall Jenner


Kendall’s Instagram Caption: @KendallJenner: she looks up to ME #BalmainArmy

I remember watching The Wendy Williams Show some days ago and there was this talk about Kim Kardashian being jealous of her little sister – Kendall Jenner. Kendall is becoming very popular of late due to her modelling career, she has walked the runaway for the top brands in the fashion industry, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Givenchy and many others. The spotlight is on her now kind of and knowing Kim Kardashian, from what we see on the reality shows, there is a possibility of some envy breeding there.

Kim Kardashian seems to like the attention she gets and I don’t think she will be too happy to share but I am happy for Kendall Jenner. Her modelling career has taken off and it is looking very promising. Everyone is talking about her for all the right reasons which is good. Well done to her.

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