My Bidvine Experience

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I came across Bidvine – a free virtual personal assistant website for hiring photographers, caterers, handymen, and local services, some days ago, and I was eager to try the service. I am always up for anything I can do online, rather than over the phone. Apart from the fact that I have a trail of all I have done incase I need to refer to it in future, I hardly have the time to get on the phone these days. Life is way to busy, so anything I can do online makes my life easier, and that is right up my street!

We as a family love photoshoots. We love quality photos, and I like the whole idea of being in studio or on location, getting dressed up and having a professional photographer snapping away. We have had 2 photoshoots in the last 2 years, and we have a few planned in our heads. But as you can imagine, photoshoots can be quite pricey, so I decided to check out the photography service on Bidvine, in the Manchester area to get some competitive quotes to compare.

Signing up was quick and easy. I just signed in with my Facebook details, so I didn’t have to register my details. I also found it very easy to navigate the website, it is very user-friendly, so no dummies guide needed. All I had to do was select the service I was after, which was portrait photography, and answer a few service specific questions like – the area I was interested in, which was Manchester, the budget, which was £150 maximum, and a few more. Then all I had to do was wait for the quotes to start coming in. I didn’t have to wait long at all. The first quote came in 10 minutes after.

I got 3 quotes in all, all on the same day, and they were all within my budget which was great. I found the quotes very detailed, all questions I would have had to ask were already answered in the quotes. Questions like how many photos I would get, payment terms, contact details, and so on.

I found the request and quote submission process very efficient. I am always in need of services offered by professionals in my local area, so I know I will be using Bidvine to find them in future. Bidvine is the best marketplace to receive competitive quotes for local services in Manchester.

What do you think of Bidvine? Have you ever heard of this marketplace before?


*This is a collaborative post.

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