L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store Playset

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My daughter is L.O.L Surprise obsessed! She is so into the whole L.O.L brand thanks to the many YouTube unboxing videos she watches. She started off loving My Little Pony and has collected pretty much all the ponies now. We are now (very) slowly building her L.O.L Surprise Dolls collection. She has about 7 dolls at the moment and we are looking at getting some more L.O.L dolls in the next few weeks to add to it. Which is why I got this L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store to store all her dolls nicely.

This Pop Up Store has come in very handy already. Usually, we have the dolls and the accessories all over the house. Which is why a few of the dolls and accessories are missing as I type. But thankfully, all that would be a thing of the past with this new storage playset.


L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store picture Doll Storage Image



This L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store is a 3-in-1 playset, display and carrying case!


Display Store

It can store up to 50 dolls and accessories, which is great. It looks great in her bedroom. We love the bright pink colour and the sparkly finish. It is such a beauty. This Pop Up Store has plenty of storage for the accessories, lil sisters dolls and more. We love it!



This  L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store has a couple of play areas. They include chic cafe, fashion boutique, and pizza parlour! This playset would definitely give your little one hours of fun, especially if they are into role play like my little diva.



L.O.L Surprise Doll Image Toys Review Picture L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up Store 3-in-1 Playset Picture


Carrying Case

This L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store also changes to a carrying case. This is a really handy feature because it means your little one can take a couple of her L.O.L dolls with her on holiday. I think this is one of the best features of this playset.


Instagold Exclusive L.O.L Doll

Another great part with the playset is the fact that it comes with an exclusive L.O.L Doll. We got Instagold which my daughter absolutely adores. It looks super good, and the accessories are super chic!


L.O.L Doll ImageDolls Review Image L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up Store 3-in-1 Playset IMAGE



Final thoughts

Overall, we recommend this L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store Playset. The only issue I have with it is with the bottom layer. It kind of moves easily. It would have been better if it was more sturdy. Another issue is the fact that the L.OL. Dolls that stand easily. It can be a little difficult putting them to stand upright. And the dolls can’t stand if the shoes are missing. You need the right shoes that came with the dolls to get them to stand upright.

Apart from the issues above, everything else is as it should be. It currently retails for £39.99 at most good toys stores. You can grab it here. Many call this playset pricy but I think it is just ok price wise. The L.O.L fans adore it and I can see why.


L.O.L. Surprise! Pop-Up Store 3-in-1 Playset picture Dolls Collection review image


You can watch our YouTube review here –


What do you think of this L.O.L Surprise Pop Up Store Playset? Are your kids into the brand? Let’s chat in the comments section below.

How to get your kids off the dummy/pacifier

I hear a lot of talk about dummies and how hard it can be to get children off them. Which is what prompted this post. I needed to share my experience with how I got the kids off the dummy.

The kiddies were huge fans of the dummy. They had the dummy from the newborn stage and took to it immediately. It worked for all of us back then. They were quite demanding as babies and the dummy helped soothe them. But when it came to getting rid of the dummy, they refused to stop! My son refused the dummy at 3 months, and took to his fingers instead (that is a story for a whole new post by the way). But my daughter fell helplessly in love with her pacifier and it was hard work getting her off it. She even had a name for her dummies. They were called “baby”. It was that serious.


Dummy pacifier tips image


I remember frantically googling up ways to get kids off the dummy and trying almost every trick in the book with no luck. I succeeded in getting her off it during the day quickly but nighttime was the tricky bit, as she was used to falling asleep sucking it. So I decided to think outside the box. Taking it away from her was pointless as she would just scream and cry until she had to back at night. I decided the only way to get her off the dummy successfully was to get her to reject it herself. I needed to make the pacifier not as “delicious” as she thought it was.


How to get your kids off the dummy/pacifier

Here are the steps I took to wean my daughter off her precious pacifier.


Get rid of all the dummies but one

I got rid of all the dummies and kept her least favourite one. I remember telling her the dummies were old and had to go, or something along those lines.


Make the pacifier unappealing

Once we were down to just one pacifier, I then had to make it unappealing. I needed her to reject it by herself and with no prompt from me. My daughter is very feisty. So I had to play dumb for this to work. I soak the pacifier in a lemon juice concentrate for a few hours before bedtime. And then when she asked for it, I gave her the lemon juice soaked pacifier. Her reaction was that of confusion at first, which then led to frustration. She couldn’t understand why her precious “baby” tasted different. It had a sour taste as you can imagine and she didn’t want any of it.

Just a quick note, she was 2 when I did this. I won’t recommend you do this if you have a younger child.


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Get ready for the hard work

On the first night, my dear daughter woke up every few hours asking for her dummy, which I happily offered. Only for her to reject it again because of the sour taste. It worked like magic but the first two nights were hard because she kept waking asking for it, only to reject and ask for it in a few hours. I guess she kept thinking it would taste different every time. Or maybe she was too sleepy to recall the sour taste. On night no 3, I gave her the dummy first and she told me she didn’t want it anymore. She never asked for it again and went back to sleeping through the night.


I would recommend the lemon juice tip for any parent thinking of getting toddler (2 years and above) off the dummy/pacifier. It worked quickly for my daughter. And I am sure it would work great for many others as well.


Did you struggle to get your kids off the dummy/pacifier? Please share your experience in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading.




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