Play-Doh Fun with the Kiddies

Half term is over and the kiddies went back to school yesterday. It was a very busy half term week with us making the most of the lovely sunshine. We spent plenty of time outdoors with the twins riding their bikes and scooters. We also visited a soft play centre and our local playground. The kids enjoy being outside, especially my son. He could spend the whole day outside if I let him. My daughter on the other hand loves the outdoors but would be happy to stay indoors all day if I wanted too.

I enjoyed the time outdoors myself and I am seriously missing them now that they have resumed school. Always good to make the most of the holidays when they come. Are you in the UK? How was your half term week?


Parenting Tips Image Kids review Play Doh Image


The kiddies also spent time playing with their new Play-Doh Kitchen Creations Set. They enjoyed making donuts and all sorts of Play-Doh food. It was fun to watch them in their element, it never gets old.


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They made a proper mess of the floor but it was worth it. They played with the set for almost 2 hours. I was amazed at how much attention and determination they put into creating Play-Doh creations. Normally, they play with a new toy for a few minutes (an hour tops if it is a great toy) for the first time, before tossing it away for something else, but this was different. I am not too surprised because I know how much they love playing with Play-Doh, but I think their love for the brand has increased since they started primary school.

They play with Play-Doh a lot at school as it helps with the pencil grip. My 5-year-old son previously had issues with that like many boys his age do, but he has now improved massively. His handwriting is also a lot better now which is amazing.


Play Doh Set Review image Lifestyle Parenting Blog North West UK Image Play Doh Kitchen Creations Review Image


Are your kids fans of Play-Doh? Have they tried the Kitchen Creations Set?

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