Amy Adams Covers ELLE UK November 2016 Issue


Photographed by Liz Collins, styled by Anne-Marie Curtis, Amy Adams wears Balenciaga.


The beautiful and talented Amy Adams is on the cover of ELLE UK November 2016 and she looks so cute. I love the cover. She looks so relaxed and pretty, like a typical girl next door, and I love it. I also love the fact that she is channeling her autumn style in Balenciaga. Loving the autumn vibes.

This issue promises to be a good read. In her interview with ELLE UK, Amy discusses her struggles to balance family and work, being compared to other women in Hollywood, the issue with the pay gap and being over 40 in a competitive industry.

‘The negotiation comes to a standstill and I have to make a choice, which a lot of women do. I can walk away. But I choose not to…This is an issue not just about women’s pay; we need to work on how women are viewed in society and then the pay will be reflected in that…Right now time is more important to me. So that’s what I negotiate because any time I’m working, I’m not spending with my daughter.’

‘I gave up wanting to look like Charlize when I was, like, 12. I have short legs, I’m athletic, I have pale skin that reacts to cold and hot moisture. You just have to accept who you are. In those comparisons, I always lost.’

This five-time Oscar nominee is also the star of Tom Ford’s new film Nocturnal Animals and Sci-Fi drama Arrival, both of which are garnering five-star reviews and Oscar buzz at the moment.




I would love to read this issue. I can see myself grabbing a copy. I have always liked Amy Adams. I find her very interesting so I would naturally want to know more about her. The price usually puts me off but I have been feeling generous lately so I may get this.

What do you think of this issue? Are you a fan of Amy Adams?




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