The Art of Choosing Accessories

*Collaborative post.

The Art of Choosing Accessories picture

Pexels – CC0 Licence 

Style is a combination of so many components that you can work it in whatever way you want. But when you are turning your attention to accessories, it’s about making sure that each accessory is one part of the complete picture. Whether it’s hair accessories or handbags, or even making sure that your makeup highlights your attributes properly, the art of choosing the right accessories is not as easy as you think. With this in mind, what does it take to choose the right accessories?

Pick a Signature Accessory

The first thing to state is that signature accessories make you feel great and will work with multiple outfits. Accessory options can be overwhelming, but this is why you need to start with one item that you have complete faith in. A watch is such a simple accessory but can communicate so much, especially when you look at luxury brands. You can very easily shop luxury women’s watches and find the right style for you. When you’re ready to add more accessories, you can create balance by choosing one statement piece which dominates your look. You can either do this in terms of colour or size, but then you can start to add more subtle additions. 

Think About What What Your Fashion Choices Demand

Accessories provide accentuation. And they’re just as important for both women and men. A nice black cuff bracelet for instance, can add style to a man’s look. A simple outfit that is bereft of colour doesn’t look great, but using accessories to add some colour or patterns to a style can make your look far more elevated. Accessories are fantastic in this way. And when you start to think about the outfit choices and what the right accessory could do to it, you can use accessories to change the entire feel of something that you wear on many different occasions. For example, the classic little black dress is perfect for work when you pair them up with flats and a blazer. But you can then change into a pair of letters and add some bling earrings for a cocktail party or a night out. The right accessories will automatically transform the feel of one simple item of clothing.

Don’t Worry About Getting It Perfect

You may agonize over your accessories, and think that the accessories have to match. But it’s important to remember that when you choose accessories that go together, they may not scream fashionable. If you feel that you are going too far with your accessory choices, start simple. And one colourful accessory to your neutral outfit. But then get inspiration by bold combinations of colour. You can look at any boards on Pinterest for inspiration, or you can use a colour wheel. A very simple thing, but it can show you how to make your look perfectly controlled without going over the top.

Accessories are fantastic for adding extra depth to your style. They are the finishing touches, but when you feel that your style needs a shakeup, or you don’t know where to begin, focus on these three rules, and we can guarantee you won’t go far wrong!



When to Buy Vintage Sapphire Jewellery

*Collaborative post.

When is it time to buy vintage sapphire jewellery? It’s hard to say, for some people. If you’re one of these people, please read on – you’re about to learn everything you need to know about when to buy vintage sapphire jewellery.

Why Buy Vintage Sapphire Jewellery?

Before we get on to the when let’s briefly cover the why. The simplest answer is that vintage sapphire jewellery is the best. I know, for some that’s not enough, so here’s some more detail. Buying vintage or antique when it comes to jewellery is not only cost-efficient, but also an eco-friendly move. It’s a common misconception that living an environment-friendly life means living without luxury.

Buying antique and vintage jewellery is a great way to reuse jewellery, rather than having it go to waste. It also doesn’t demand the gemstone trade, preventing further damage to the planet from gemstone mining, since every vintage and antique item already exists and doesn’t need to be ‘crafted’ from new materials. If you needed any more reasons to buy pre-loved jewellery, then consider that, carat-to-carat, you usually get more for your money with vintage and antique than you do with brand new. You can get stunning jewellery for a fraction of the cost if you were to go to a jeweller’s and buy something made new. An added plus is that most of the designs of antique and vintage jewellery are unique and unlike anything you’re likely to find in a chain jewellery store.

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Now that we’ve established that, let’s dive into the when.


It’s a no brainer that vintage sapphire rings make for beautiful engagement rings. Obviously, if you already know that a diamond engagement ring is what you want, then perhaps it’s not the choice for you, but you should definitely consider it. Even an engagement ring that features both diamonds and sapphires is a beautiful way to incorporate some colour and life into your engagement ring.

If you want an engagement ring that really looks like an engagement ring, then sapphire and diamonds paired together are almost a more perfect match than you and your fiancé/fiancée. Not only are they fit for royalty – literally the engagement ring Kate Middleton wears – but they’re every bit as versatile and classically beautiful as their diamond counterparts. So, if you or your loved one are fans of the colour blue, or maybe you’re just interested in something different for your proposal, then consider buying a vintage sapphire ring.

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In case you didn’t know, sapphire is the birthstone for people born in September. Just as the summer dies off and the cold months start coming in, sapphires are there to remind you that cold doesn’t have to mean dim and glum, it can mean classy and elegant. If September is a birth month to someone you love (like you!), perhaps getting some vintage sapphire jewellery as a birthday present is a right way to go.

It can be anything, from a vintage sapphire ring to a necklace, earrings, or a bracelet. At the moment, brooches are having a big revival, so maybe something in that direction would be nice. What matters is that you get something that suits the giftee well. To establish what would work, have a look at jewellery they already own. Something with the same coloured metal, or gemstones cut to the same shape might be an indicator of their preferences. If they don’t yet own any jewellery, stick with something simple and small, as they might not be used to wearing jewellery.


For everyone who has already tied the knot, the 45th wedding anniversary is the sapphire anniversary. That’s a looong time to wait. Thankfully, there are no wedding anniversary police to stop you from celebrating the sapphire anniversary 40 years early. Of course, if you’d rather remain traditional, then it’s a lovely idea to wait to celebrate the sapphire anniversary of your 45th year of marriage. If it is the 45th year you’re celebrating, sapphire jewellery could not be more appropriate. Anyone approaching their 45th wedding anniversary sometime in the next few decades is sure to find some vintage sapphire jewellery that’s the same age as their marriage – what could be more perfect?

You can also gift sapphire jewellery if you are not a member of the relationship. If your parents or grandparents are going to be celebrating their sapphire wedding anniversary any time soon, maybe you could get some people to pool together and treat them to something beautiful that shows how much you love them as a unit. A vintage sapphire signet ring or some sapphire earrings, for example, would be beautiful and simple.

We’ve uncovered the main reasons to buy vintage sapphire jewellery, but you must remember that these are just suggestions, and there are no real rules about how and when to buy your jewels. If you want to buy a vintage sapphire ring to celebrate a Tuesday, then you’d best believe that’s a great idea. Thinking outside the box for occasions to gift jewellery – to yourself or anyone else – is the key to maintaining good relationships and enjoying life. Have fun with it!


Wayfarer Sunglasses: A Style Guide

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Image Source: Unsplash

For the Wayfarer, it all began in 1956, when Ray-Ban designer Raymond Stegeman patented the design, and this iconic style enjoyed popularity until the end of the 1960s. The cult movie ‘The Blues Brothers’ came out in 1980 and both Dan Akroyd and John Belushi wore almost identical Wayfarers, which boosted sales in the US and Europe. Then in 1983, ‘Risky Business’ starring Tom Cruise was released and saw the main character sporting a stylish pair of dark Wayfarers, and this boosted sales even more.

The Hollywood Movie Scoop

Ray-Ban signed in 1982 an agreement with Unique Product Placement, a Burbank located company, to include Ray-Ban sunglasses in TV series as well as in movies, which was worth $50,000 per year. In the next 5 years, Ray-Ban sunglasses were seen in more than 60 Hollywood productions every year, which was a marketing smash hit. This resulted in the sales of Wayfarer and Aviator sunglasses rising sharply, with other manufacturers producing models that were very similar.

Popular Among Women

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Image Source: Unsplash

The Wayfarer became very popular among women of all ages when Audrey Hepburn wore one in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, a very colourful film that won rave reviews. If you would like to view the great selection of women’s wayfarer sunglasses online, a Google search will help you locate a supplier of designer sunglasses. The online designer sunglasses supplier offers the best deals for hi-end sunglasses, with quality pairs at around $50, so cheap you can afford to splash out on a few pairs.

Unisex Options

The great thing about the Wayfarer style is that it can be worn by both men and women, and this saw the arrival of the first plastic-framed sunglasses back in the mid-1960s, and they are still as popular today as they ever were. For the best selection of Wayfarers, check out the online designer sunglasses supplier, who has a great catalogue of men’s women’s and unisex sunglasses that vary slightly in shape and size, while still holding to the traditional Wayfarer lines.

There are versions with large, oversized lenses, which some people find attractive, plus you can find Wayfarers in many different colours, for both men and women.

Browsing Styles

Rather than visiting shopping malls and searching for sunglasses stores, it is much easier to carry out a Google search and then you can browse the many great Wayfarer style sunglasses until you find exactly what you are looking for. All you do then is proceed to checkout and a secure online payment will see the product packaged and shipped to your home address.

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Image Source: Unsplash

The sign of a good designer sunglasses supplier is a no-quibble warranty, which states that if you are unhappy with the product for any reason, they will happily replace them free of charge, and you can’t really get any better than that. If you are looking for an ideal birthday or anniversary gift for your partner, a pair of stylish Wayfarers is the perfect gift for the man or woman who has everything.



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