How to take care of your kinky hair while you sleep

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Wearing your kinky hair natural can be very tricky. It can get so tricky that you may feel like giving up on the natural hair dream. I have been wearing my hair natural for many years now and I have discovered tips and tricks to help keep my hair healthy. It has not been easy but when I look at how healthy my hair is, I know the whole work has been worth it. I will be sharing images of my hair in the next few weeks but for now, here are some ways to help you take care of your kinky hair while you sleep –

Beauty Blog image

Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase

I find sleeping on silk or satin pillowcases very comfortable and doing this also helps keep my natural hair healthy. Tossing and turning while you sleep puts pressure on your hair follicles which can lead to hair breakage. Cotton pillowcases dries out the hair which leads to breakage. To protect your hair structure and sleep comfortably, invest in silk or satin pillowcases.

Wrap up your hair in a silk bonnet or scarf

Always put your hair in a silk bonnet or scarf (you can use both if you wish) before going to bed. This along with the silk or satin pillowcase keeps the hair moisturised and protected. Always ensure you tie the scarf on the forehead and avoid making a tie on the hair edges so you don’t weaken that part of your hair.

Put your hair in twists or braids

I like to have my hair in twists or 2 braids to protect the tips and keep the hair secured and neat while I sleep.

Spray on some products

This keeps the hair soft, easy to manage, moisturised and healthy. I have a spray bottle with a water and coconut oil mixture I like to use on a daily basis. I always make sure I spray on some of it before I go to bed. Here is the exact coconut oil I use:

Naissance Fractionated Coconut







Coconut Hair Oils for Hair Growth

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I recently started experimenting with Coconut Hair Oils. My hair gets really dry and I have struggled with various hair creams. Many of them don’t do much so I started investing in hair oils instead. Previously, I have tried Almond Oils. I used them for many years but I found them a little too greasy for my hair. My hair is quite dry but not dry enough to get away with using Almond Oils for too long. So I stopped using them and decided to stick to using only Coconut Oil for sometime. I usually mix my hair oils with water in a spray bottle, to allow me spray when needed but I decided to use the oils even more. A few weeks ago, I started moisturising my hair and scalp with some coconut oil, after using the spray bottle and I noticed my hair really started to grow.


Coconut Massage Oil Image


The Coconut Oil Hair Growth Experience

I realised my hair needed some extra moisture in addition to the spray bottle and I am so happy to have found what really works for my hair. My hair loves some coconut oil and it really works. The hair oil leaves my hair soft, manageable and healthy. My hair has really grown so quickly in the last few weeks. I will be showing off the length and thickness in my next hair post. It is currently twisted up underneath a scarf and I am too lazy to undo it all and take a photo. Another thing I discovered my hair likes is some natural heat. Once I take a protective style off, I rock my natural hair for sometime to enable my hair recover from the previous style. This allows me also clean and moisturise it for some weeks. When I moisturise with water and some coconut oil, I pop my silk hair scarf on for some hours while working from home. I believe this has also helped in growing my natural hair.


Coconut Oil Hair Growth Experience image


I currently use this Naissance Fractionated Pure Coconut Oil. It is an amazing oil and the brand has other oils I am experimenting with as well. I will be writing a review on those soon. You can read the full review of the Naissance Fractionated Pure Coconut Oil and shop this Coconut Hair Oil below.

Have you tried any amazing Coconut Hair Oils?


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