Horse Riding Plans for the Kiddies this Year

The Kiddies went horse-riding for the first time in the summer of last year. They loved it! I must confess that I was a bit worried at first. I wasn’t too sure how they would handle being close to a horse, not to talk of actually riding one. But they handled it like pros. They were very confident and comfortable on the horses. I was so proud.

We had the opportunity to take the twins horse-riding last summer at Cheshire Ice Cream Farm. They rode on the horses for a few minutes and enjoyed every bit of it. And they haven’t stopped talking about it. Which is why we are now considering having them enrolled in horse-riding classes this year.


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My Interest in Horses

I have always been interested in horses as far as I can remember. Horses are so beautiful. I love watching them all glammed up in a horse turnout rug. They always look so adorable.

Back in the day, I got the opportunity to ride a horse once, but never got the chance to go for proper horse-riding lessons. Which is why I am eager to get the kiddies enrolled this year. I have had a look around for horse -riding schools close by and I have found a couple I think I like. There are loads of horse-riding schools available in Cheshire, which is great. I was surprise to find as many as I found. The only thing stopping me now is the prices of the lessons around. Getting qualified instructors means the lessons come with a hefty price tag as expected. One of the horse-riding schools we are interested is charging as high as £22 for a 30 minutes lesson.



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Horse-riding is high on our to-do list for the year, so we are definitely going to look into the kiddies having some lessons this year.


Do your kids go horse riding? How are they finding it?


*Collaborative post.

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