Keeping the teeth white

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According to James Brown, hair is the first thing  and teeth the second. He also said if you have good hair and teeth, you got it all. He is right in a way. Keeping the teeth white is really important. Apart from hair implants, white teeth is another area of cosmetic improvement that interests both men and women all over the world. There are so many options now available in cosmetic dentistry, from veneers and bleaching, to indirect porcelain and ceramic crowns. There is an option for everyone but these treatments can be quite pricey, which is why many people can’t afford to get them done.

When it comes to teeth whitening, like with many things, prevention is better than cure. If you can’t afford to get your pearly whites done at the dentist, here are some little changes you can start making from today to improve the look of your teeth.


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Get a great electric toothbrush

The first step to cleaning your teeth is to get a great electric toothbrush. Manual toothbrushes can’t clean your teeth like electric toothbrushes can. I have been using the OralB electric toothbrush you can see below for years now and it has changed the way I clean my teeth. This toothbrush is so smart. It has five cleaning modes including deep clean, whitening and sensitive. It comes with different heads and a travel case. 

It is currently on offer now on Amazon for only £69.99 (previous price was £229.99) so grab it while the offer lasts.



Brush properly and use the right toothpaste

Many people underestimate the power of brushing their teeth properly. You should brush for about 2 minutes twice a day and floss as well. Using a good electric toothbrush and brushing properly will help your teeth stay clean and white. You should also ensure you are using the right toothpaste. Many toothpastes promise to make your teeth many shades whiter but majority of them cannot do that. However, I find that this Sensodyne Pronamel Enamel Care Toothpaste, 75 ml, Gentle Whitening seems to do the work more than others. It helps remove surface stains and prevents teeth yellowing.  



Watch what you consume

Watching what you consume is the most important tip of all when it comes to health and pearly white teeth. Certain foods have the power to discolour our teeth more than others. Wine, tea, coffee, and soft drinks can stain our teeth so do drink them with moderation and obey the rules above to ensure your teeth stays as white as possible. Also, drinking water immediately after eating or drinking other fluids will help your teeth stay white.




How to Maintain Pearly White Teeth

You know what a confidence boost having white teeth is. You’re never afraid to show your best smile. Although it is now easier to get your teeth whitened, having pearly white teeth is not permanent. The food you eat and beverages you drink can stain your teeth. If not checked, you’ll go back to the yellow stained teeth you had before.


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And with the stained teeth comes dampened confidence. Of course, you need to eat and drink to survive. You can’t stop doing that because you want to maintain your pearly smile. However, there are ways you can maintain your pearly white.

  1. Brush your teeth immediately after taking stain-prone food or beverages

Not all food and drink stain your teeth. But if you want to maintain white teeth you need to identify the ones that you take regularly.

Common culprits are coffee, tea and wine. The trick to preventing them from staining your teeth is to brush your teeth with a good whitening toothpaste like this Curaprox Black is White Whitening Toothpaste for £19.95. Doing this will help to drastically reduce the possibility of stains and keeps your teeth really white.


How to maintain pearly white teeth image

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Another clever way to prevent staining from drinks is to drink through a straw. When you drink through a straw you prevent the drink from coming in contact with your teeth.


  1. Use whitening strips or whitening trays periodically

Maintaining the whiteness of your teeth can be as easy as periodically using over the counter teeth whitening products. Over the counter whitening products like whitening strips or whitening trays can keep any sign of staining at bay.

However, whitening strips and trays whiten your teeth by wearing away the enamel. The enamel is the outer covering of your teeth. The more you use such products, the more you risk damaging your teeth. So be extremely cautious with how often you use them.


  1. Brush with baking soda

Baking soda is a natural product to help with teeth whitening. Just like the over the counter whitening products, baking soda wears away the enamel. However, if you restrict the use of baking soda to once a week, it will help to reduce the risk of damaging your teeth. It’s still a good way to maintain your pearly white teeth.


  1. Use teeth whitening toothpaste

There are special toothpastes that help make your teeth whiter. So, instead of using ordinary toothpaste and still face the risk of staining, you can use teeth whitening toothpaste and keep your teeth clean and white. I think this is pretty handy since teeth whitening toothpastes don’t only maintain the whiteness of your teeth but they also ensure your overall oral health.


  1. Eat more crunchy vegetables and fruits

Crunchy vegetables and fruits act as a natural scrub that will help clean your eat at each bite. Imagine how easy it would be to maintain your white teeth by just eating healthy crunchy vegetables and fruits like carrots, apples and even celery. As you bite into these vegetables and fruits they rub against your teeth and in the process whiten them. Not only do they help to maintain your white teeth, they also help you live healthier.


How do you maintain your pearly white teeth?


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