Creative Writing Course NCC Home Learning

I am always eager to learn something new. Knowledge is never too much, so I make a conscious effort to learn something new each day. I recently had the opportunity to study a Creative Writing Course with NCC Home Learning, and I am loving it so far.

NCC Home Learning has over 350 distance learning courses available to study from home, at your own pace and time, which is great! I only just started my Creative Writing Course, I completed the first module – Creative writing and you, and I know for a fact that I am going to gain a lot from this course.

This first module had me searching myself and my love for writing. It made me think of the reasons why I write, when I discovered my love for writing, when and where I like to write, and my writing journey in general.



I discovered my love for reading and writing before my tenth birthday. I discovered I was more into reading and writing than my peers, and that I truly enjoyed it. I wrote a bit of that in my book – How to Cash In as a Blogger, so go have a read if you have not done so already.

I am interested in this creative writing course because I would want to improve my writing, I believe there is always room for improvement, even if you are J. K. Rowling. I would also love to discover new writing techniques and ideas, and explore other writing genres. I am currently only interested in reading and writing non-fiction, but back in the day, I was only interested in fiction books, I remember being so into romance novels when I was younger, and I even wrote a few short stories myself. But now, I have lost all interest in reading and writing fiction, which I find so weird, so I am hoping this online course would spark my interest in the fiction genre again.

I will be keeping you all updated on my progress, and I will be writing a more in-depth review once I am done with the course in the next few months. Wish me luck. Thanks for stopping by.


*Collaborative Post.




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