Pregnant in the Summer

This time, 4 years ago, I was heavily pregnant with my twins. I remember the summer being very hot, and me being very uncomfortable. I was unable to sleep for most part of my pregnancy and my general discomfort increased in the warm summer months.


Baby Pictures Fashion and Style Police


I had no issues at all with my twin pregnancy. I was not on bed rest or any sort of medication, and I continued working until the very end. When I say work, I mean me living in Cheshire and working in Manchester, which was over 2 hours commute every day. I was working long hours and all, but I managed to pull through somehow.


Pregnancy Image

I bet you are wondering where I am going to with this post. Well, lets just I have been seeing a lot of pregnant women around this summer, both online and offline, and all I can think off now is being dead warm and pregnant. With babies being popped front, back and centre, it is hard not to get broody. 2017 seems to be the year of pregnancies and babies. I saw a picture of Beyonce’s twins the other day, and I couldn’t stop looking at them. They are so cute!

I enjoyed the most part of my pregnancy. I found the whole experience fascinating. The one thing I hated though, apart from the discomfort and lack of sleep, was the intense heartburn. I suffered from very bad heartburn for most of my pregnancy, it made eating and drinking very difficult. It was tough because I couldn’t take any medication for it. I just had to deal with it naturally. If I were to do the whole pregnancy thing again, I would love so much for my body to skip the uncomfortable heartburn bit.

I know many people suffer from Acid Reflux/Heartburn generally, even when not pregnant. I use to even before my pregnancy, and I still struggle with it every now and again, depending on what I eat. Which is why I am glad to now know about Acid Reflux/Heartburn drugs like Omeprazole. It is good to know that there are many shops to buy Omeprazole capsules online. Many of us don’t have to suffer anymore.

I am a huge fan of online shopping. I am always very into products I can shop online, so this drug is a favourite of mine, and it does the job excellently for my heartburn!

Do you suffer from heartburn/acid reflux? How do you deal with it? Please sound off in the comments section below. Thanks for reading.


*Collaborative post.

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