Keeping Energy Bills Low this Winter

The heating finally came on this month. We held on for as long as we could, knowing fully well, we would have the heating on for about 5 months now. And I hear the chill is back in full force from today..


Christmas Night In


I remember this time 3 years ago, I was pregnant with my twins and boiling. I was walking around wearing only a t-shirt and leggings, and I couldn’t feel the chill. We saved lots of money then because I was a walking radiator, I didn’t need any extra heating. But as soon as I gave birth, I felt the chill so bad. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

Heating up a house can be very expensive, especially for people like us who work from home with no office to run to. Back in my employed days, I use to look forward to going to the office (not the commuting) during winter. It meant my heating was only on few hours in a day. But that is no longer the case. My home is my office, and my kids are yet to start nursery so we have to keep warm at home, which means the heating has to come on at some point during the day.

I am always on the look out for energy-saving tips. I recently came across an article written by Premier Bathrooms and I found the energy-saving tips very useful.

Here are 4 energy-saving tips I will be trying this winter:

Time your heating

Our central heating comes in at various times during the time. I find it easier to control our energy usage with a timer. I am always too lazy to go down in the morning to turn it on (when it is freezing) and I sometimes forget to turn it off, so having a timer is the way to go.

Dressing Warm

So my jumpers, onesies and my socks are my best friends this season. Dressing warm ensure body heat is retained and the chill is no felt as much. Having the right bedding – winter duvets and flannel bed sheets, also helps at night.


Hot Chocolate


Eat warm meals

Eating warm meals and taking hot drinks like the delicious cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows above is a smart way to stay warm this winter.


Shop around for best deals

Shopping for the best energy deals available is a smart way to keep costs down. Many people would save hundreds of pounds by switching energy providers, so it makes sense to shop around. I just switched!


How will you be keeping your energy bills low this winter? Please sound off in the comment section, let’s chat.


*This is a collaborative post.

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