Giveaway – Win £50 on Fashion and Style Police

Fashion and Style Police would be 5 years old this October and I can’t believe I have been blogging for that long. I still remember the cold Autumn night on 2012, when I finally decided to set up a blog. I have been following certain blogs for sometime and I was contemplating setting up my blog, so I decided to give the whole blogging thing a go on that day.


Interior Design Image


Blogging has been a rollercoaster journey, but I won’t change a thing. My whole experience has made me the blogger I am today. I am happy with how the blog has grown and I am super grateful for all the opportunities I have had as a result of this blog. Fashion and Style Police has opened doors and has made me achieve the impossible. So it would always be part of my me.

I am hoping to keep doing what I know how to do best on Fashion and Style Police running for as long as I can think. So to celebrate this significant milestone, I am giving away £50 via Paypal to a lucky winner. Here is what you need to do to take part in this giveaway.


Giveaway Rules
  1. Retweet this post on Twitter.
  2. Follow me on Twitter.
  3. Follow me on Instagram.
  4. Leave a comment on this post confirming your entry. Remember to include your Twitter name so I can find you.
  5. Comment on any other blog post of your choice on the home page.


You could also like my Facebook page if you haven’t done so already.


This giveaway is open worldwide, but you have to be over 18 to take part. It ends on 31 October at 10pm. The winner will be chosen at random and announced within 24 hours on Twitter, so look out.

Good luck everyone and thanks for entering..



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