How to Write Faster

As freelance writers and bloggers our business revolves around how many articles we put up either for ourselves or for our clients. And the more you write, the more money you make.

If you want to stay on top of your game as a freelance writer or blogger, then you need to learn how to write fast. The faster you’re able to write, the more articles or blog posts you’ll be able to churn out and of course, increase your income.




Writing fast is tricky. But with a lot of practice you’ll be able to train yourself to increase your speed. So if you have been wondering how you can get more work done fast, then these tips will help you.

  1. Do your research first

It’s so much easier writing about something you know very well than writing about something you’re not familiar with. That’s why before you start writing anything at all, the smartest thing to do is to research and grasp all the major concepts relating to the topic you’re about to work on. This will help get the creative juices flowing such that you won’t have to struggle writing on the topic.

Here’s a note of caution: you don’t have to go overboard with your research. Restrict yourself only to the relevant things relating to the article. Don’t get carried away with all the information out there. Stick to the topic as much as you can.

  1. Draw up a very detailed outline

Outlines are like maps. They will help guide you in which direction the article will go. The reason why outlines help you to write faster is because you won’t have to stop and think about what the next paragraph or section of the article will be about.

With an outline, you know exactly where you are going and the main points the article will touch. With a detailed outline your work is half done.




  1. Quit editing as you write

As important as editing your writing projects is, editing is one of the reasons why you don’t write fast. There’s no problem with editing. The main problem is editing as you write.

If you want to write faster, you need to train yourself to write without editing. Leave all the editing later after you have finished writing the article. This way, you will focus more on getting the project done and less time fussing over whether it is constructed well or not.

  1. Time yourself while you write

When you know that the clock’s ticking and that you’re running out of time, it creates a sense of urgency which will naturally push you to increase your writing speed. Get a stop watch and challenge yourself to write a 500-700 word article in 45 minutes, then start reducing the time week after week until you achieve your desired speed.

Don’t get discouraged if you fail to meet the time limit. It’s all part of the practice. With time you’ll be able to get more work done within a short period of time. The idea is to take it one step at a time.


What do you think of these tips? Do you have any writing tips to share?

How Free Writing Can Unleash your Creativity

As a freelance writer or blogger there are times we experience moments when we don’t have the inspiration to write. We experience writer’s block or are simply not motivated to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Although such moments come and go, it’s not something that should be encouraged. In fact cultivating the habit and discipline to write everyday can completely change your life and improve your writing.




Free writing is an incredible practice that unleashes the creative ideas lodged within you as well as gets you in the mood of writing.

What is free writing?

Free writing is basically a writing activity where you allow yourself to write out whatever comes to your mind without stopping, editing or rationalizing what flows from your mind. The aim behind free writing is to uncover those thoughts or ideas that you hide within you, far away from your conscious mind.

Free writing doesn’t care about structure, efficiency or accuracy in grammar, or the right choice of words. It focuses more on the process of unleashing your creativity or unearthing those thoughts or perspectives you don’t voice out. Most times you bury your creative side by over thinking about what you write. Free writing liberates you from anything that would hold you back from freely expressing what you have in your mind. Free writing gives you a unique voice.


How free writing works

What makes free writing so effective with unleashing your creativity is that it completely prevents you from over thinking what you write. Most writers will edit as they write or pause for a long time trying to come up with the right word, phrase or sentence structure. This usually slows you down or discourages you from going any further. Since you’re not allowed to rationalize what you write, the results of your free writing exercise don’t reveal what you expect. In essence it allows your creativity to roam freely, which is what we need to shine like a diamond that we are.

Free writing helps reveal your writing voice and inspires you with ideas and raw materials you can use for your writing projects. Free writing pushes your unconscious side to reveal new thoughts, ideas or perspectives that you never realized you kept within you.




How to free write

Free writing has only one rule: write fast without thinking. This will give you the freedom to allow yourself to flow with the stream of creativity. This is because writing fast will ensure that your hand writes (or types) faster than your brain can think. This takes your writing out of the zone of your consciousness and permits whatever you had within you to take the lead.

To get started, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Time yourself so that you stay focused on writing. 10 minutes is enough time to free write.
  2. Write quickly without stopping until your time is up.
  3. Let the first word that comes to your mind prompt you to start writing. Don’t think about the right opening sentence. Just work with what comes to your mind and write about it. Even if you have no idea what to write about, write about not having an idea to write about.
  4. Don’t worry yourself about grammar or spelling mistakes. Messy is allowed. What’s important is the process of writing, not how or what you write.
  5. Don’t judge, critique or edit your writing. Don’t allow anything to interrupt your flow. All the editing and fine-tuning can be done later.


At the end of the free writing exercise, you’ll be surprised about the deep insights you’ll find in your writing. You’ll be inspired with new ideas on what to write. And most of all, you’ll unleash your creativity.

Do you free write?



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