How to Shop Smart

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Most of us struggle with an unlimited wish list but a very limited budget. So it makes sense to learn how to shop smartly so we get the most for our buck.

Here are some of my tried and tested tips for shopping on a budget:

Write A List

Writing a list and taking it with you to the shops is the first way to get your shopping right. Writing a list will save you time and money because you won’t be easily distracted, and you will buy items you don’t need. Prioritise your priorities and go with a list!

Go Early

I like hitting the shopping malls early before it gets crazy. I usually put off when stores are filled with customers. You won’t catching me shopping in the malls on Boxing Day sales these days. I like it when it is very quiet so I go early.

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Go Alone

Go shopping alone. You get a lot done quicker when you are by yourself, and you won’t get sidetracked. Plus shopping with young kids is usually a complete nightmare 99.9% of the time. I usually forget what I need to get so I rather shop alone.

Have A Budget

Have a budget of what you are happy to spend and stick to it. Withdrawing the exact amount you need may help you stick to your budget instead of shopping with your bank cards. Shopping with cash feels more real than bank cards so you are more likely to stick to your budget. Also, look out for stores where you can make use of coupons and discounts. Forever21 is quite a popular fashion brand, and there are usually loads of coupons and discounts available to help save some money.

Get Your Shopping Outfit Right

There is nothing more frustrating than shopping in an uncomfortable outfit. Picture a tight skirt and high heels; recipe for disaster. Shopping in flats and comfy clothes is the way to go if you plan to get anything done. If you are getting few things, heels may work for you, but if you plan to shop for hours, you need to get the outfit right.

How do you shop smart?

In other news, I am off to do some shopping tomorrow in collaboration with a brand and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Wish me luck!


*This is  collaborative post.

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