3 Summer Dresses to Shop this Season

The sun is shining and summer fashion is in full swing! If lighter and brighter pieces are your kind of style, this is the season to shop different summery pieces and accessories. I have done a bit of shopping already and I think I will be grabbing some more pieces for the warm weather. Summer dresses are definitely in vogue and they are usually very easy to style up or down depending on the occasion and the design of the dress. If you are after summer dresses to shop this season, here are a few ideas for you –

NEXT Angel Sleeve Mini Dress £30

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I really like this flowery green dress by NEXT. It is such a beautiful piece. I like the whole of the dress, especially the mini length and the toggle waist detail. It is a great summery piece and the price tag is not too expensive, which is great for my bank balance. What do you think of green print dress?

H&M Off-the-shoulder flounced dress £13 £24.99

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This colourful dress by H&M is another beautiful summery piece I have my eye on. It would work fab for casual days and I can already see myself styling it in a variety of ways. If you are after a playful and colourful summer dress, this piece may just be the right one for you. It is also super affordable, currently on sale at just £13 as at today.

New Look White Broderie Frill Mini Dress £33.99

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I love this white dress by New Look. It is simple, classy, and effortless stylish. The fact that is is plain white means it would be super easy to style up or down, in different ways. I don’t have anything like this dress in my wardrobe, and so there is a nice gap this pretty dress can fill.

What do you think of these summer dresses? Which is your favourite? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good one.

My Fiance Wants A Diamond | Tips On Making An Educated Decision

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When searching for a diamond engagement ring, several variables need to be considered to ensure the precious stone satisfies the personality and preferences of your partner plus brings immense pleasure considering the circumstances.

If you don’t shop together and have no experience with diamond shopping, it can be daunting. The engagement ring itself can come in as many as 12 shapes with four options for settings and several types of metals for the ring itself.

Then you need to consider the cut, clarity, color, and carat of the stone referenced as the 4 Cs, each of which makes a considerable difference in the overall appearance of the gem.

The jeweler can offer bits of information, but it’s outside their scope to recommend something as personal as an engagement ring. The best these professionals can do is present the most trendy or popular options on the market, not necessarily your partner’s idea of perfection.

Consider some suggestions for learning before shopping for an engagement ring. Perhaps these will help you make an educated decision.

What Are Some Helpful Tips Before You Shop For An Engagement Ring

While a jeweler can recommend the trendy and popular diamond rings on the market to help you get an idea of what other people like, the expert will be unable to provide intimate details for a personal decision regarding your fiancé’s engagement ring.

Diamond experts are capable of informing and educating individuals on the precious stones. You can visit Yourdiamondteacher.com or similar sites for a trusted, knowledgeable example.

Armed with a more thorough understanding and familiarity with your partner’s likes and dislikes, you’ll be better prepared to shop confidently. If you still don’t feel self-assured, consider looking at diamonds together to get ideas without spoiling the surprise, and then do serious shopping later.

Let’s look at a few helpful tips to guide you on what you should be aware of when looking for the perfect diamond engagement ring for your fiancée.

●     Should you compromise or make the investment

First-time shoppers are somewhat naive to the expense involved with diamonds. There’s an awareness that they’re costly, but just how expensive is only a consideration once the shopping actually begins.

Before setting out to buy an engagement ring, study diamond costs to see what price point your finances might allow and then establish a budget to work toward that amount. Compromising on the diamond you want to purchase shouldn’t mean opting for a “bargain.”

While you can find reasonable offers with jewelers, you won’t find bargain prices.

If you do find a diamond with a remarkable price, often it’s not of quality. Instead of looking for the cheapest price point in diamonds all of the same weight, look for a good diamond with a lower carat.

You’ll invest what you can afford in an excellent quality ring, compromising only a little on the stone’s size.

●     Before considering a mined diamond, look at alternatives

Several alternatives are available for mined diamonds that make fine-quality engagement stones. One is a “lab-made diamond,” which is growing increasingly popular.

These are as durable and stunning as all diamonds, but the price point is roughly “30 percent less than that of a mined diamond but offering comparable quality.”

●     The cut is significant when shopping for diamonds

The primary method for assessing a diamond’s quality is using the four Cs. These include cut, clarity, carat, and color, of which cut is designated as the critical property.

When a diamond is well cut, other imperfections will be less prominent. The stone will look more brilliant and appear more significant than its measured carat size.

As a rule, grading reports accompany diamonds when they come from reputed labs. Cut quality should be a priority when shopping for your fiancée’s engagement ring.

●      The diamond is available in approximately 12 different shapes

The round diamond is among the most favored diamonds on the market, but it’s not the only shape, nor does that mean everyone prefers this specific stone. Some others can really make a statement with their originality and at budget-friendly prices compared to the round option.

A lot of the “non-round” variations show as more prominent than the round stone despite being the same carat since their length adds to the illusion that they are, in fact, larger. The Princess Cut is the next most favored choice, plus pear and oval are gaining in popularity.

You shouldn’t base your purchase on what’s popular, however. Your partner might have a preference that falls outside these favored categories. Everyone’s style is unique and distinct.

●     Simplicity is the idea with color and clarity

Clarity and color are graded in the same vein as carat and cut, but the assessment is based more on terms of either “good or not good.” When a diamond is evaluated for color, it will either look colorless or there will be hints of color.

Clarity, on the other hand, will be either flawless or, using industry terms, be “eye-clean,” or it will have imperfections. When the eye can’t distinguish a flaw, the price point is reflective of that.

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●     Only make the purchase after seeing the ring personally

For someone new to buying a diamond ring, especially an engagement ring for your fiancée, the priority is seeing the ring in person. Doing so allows you the chance to find one that looks brilliant. You need to see its “behavior” to know if it will be able to make an impact or if it will fall flat.

The place you purchase the diamond is crucial. The jeweler should be able to present the diamond in varied angles under magnification. That doesn’t mean you must buy from a brick-and-mortar shop.

You can shop online and still view your diamond. Some jewelers offer their stones in videos and provide magnification tools online.

Designing an engagement ring is another incredible option, albeit costly. If you have the budget, jewelers are available to help you create a diamond engagement ring specific to the style and taste of your partner. It’s a lovely sentiment if you’re unable to find the ideal diamond engagement ring on the market.

Final Thought

Buying a diamond engagement ring is an exhilarating experience. You can choose to share the excitement with your partner by diamond shopping together to get ideas and then make the final purchase alone or make the entire proposal and ring presentation a complete surprise.

Should you go with your fiancée to pick out rings – click here for some answers. The priority is to educate on the precious stone before attempting to buy one.

What I am watching on Netflix this Spring

I am in the Netflix and chill state of mind. Uni work is almost completed for now, and work is quiet, so I have been watching a little more Netflix than I usually do. There are loads of amazing series and movies to watch in the spring and summer months, and this year is no exception. Here are some of the series I am watching on Netflix this season –

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Queen Cleopatra

I just started watching Queen Cleopatra on Netflix and I am finding the documentary quite interesting. There has been a lot of controversy over Queen Cleopatra being portrayed as a woman of colour, and I find that so odd, but ignoring the noise online, the series is entertaining and very informative. I love learning about ancient culture, and I am learning a lot from this series.

Night Action

I have finished watching this action packed series some weeks ago. It was so good. I enjoyed the suspense filled storyline. It kept me guessing and the cast did an amazing job. If you like your series a bit fast paced, you should check out Night Action! It will definitely leave you at the edge of your seat.

The Brave Ones

This is another African series I have just finished watching. I really enjoyed this one. The storyline is quite captivating and deep. It is one of those series you either like or you loathe, and I really like The Brave Ones. If you are after something different to watch on TV, and you don’t mind reading subtitles, you should probably check out The Brave Ones.

Workin Moms

The new season of Workin Moms is now on Netflix and it is fab as usual. I have seen a few episodes already and the cast are back with their funny lines. If you are into light comedy series, you should check out Workin Moms. It would definitely leave you laughing out loud.

Another Self

This is one series I am still watching. It is quite good as long as you are patient with it as it can feel slow sometimes, and it is a Turkish series, but it is deep and interesting. I love the storyline and I like watching series from different parts of the world as it allows me learn about various cultures. Another Self is definitely worth a watch.

So these are the series I am currently watching on Netflix? What are you watching on Netflix?






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