Beauty Treatments I Want

There are so many beauty treatments out there, and there are so many I would want to have done. If you have been reading Fashion and Style Police, for a while now, you will know how much I love getting pampered, and trying new beauty treatments. I am currently undergoing laser hair removal treatment for my chin, and I also had a Cryotherapy session some months ago.

One thing blogging has taught me is the beauty of variety and experimenting. I love going to beauty clinics, meeting business owners, having various treatments done and blogging about it. It is the best thing ever!

I find beauty treatments relaxing and enjoyable most of the time, and the fact that the treatment leaves me looking good, and feeling so confident, means I will continue to have them done, as long as it is not Botox, and I am not going under the knife, I am good. I have nothing against these treatments though, they are just not for me at this stage in my life.



Here are some beauty treatments I will love to have done this year.


Teeth Whitening

I wrote about wanting to have my teeth whitened in the fashion and feminism post last week. Remember the post that ruffled some feathers? Yea, that one.

I had my teeth whitened some years ago, before I had my kids, and the dentist told me I will be needing yearly top-ups, and I am yet to have any, and that treatment was about 4 years ago now, so I would love to have one this year. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed though, as the treatments do cost a fortune. I remember paying about £200 for the first treatment, and it was a home whitening kit I had to wear overnight. It did the job so I will be paying my dentist a visit soon.


Laser Hair Removal

I am currently having my chin hairs removed. I will be having my fourth session this weekend, and I am so looking forward to it, but I will want to have other parts treated as well. In an ideal situation, where money was not an issue, I will like to have my legs and underarms treated. Laser hair removal in London clinics will be the best option for me because I am aware of some fantastic laser hair removal clinics in London, that run 7 days a week, and even operate in the evenings (weekends are the best time for me to get many things done, as I am a work from home mummy).

I am seriously considering having these areas treated this year so let’s see, Maybe I will get lucky soon.



Cryotherapy is the new Hollywood beauty treatment and it is quite popular with the A-list celebrities. I have had a session done in the past like I mentioned earlier, but I will love to have another session with a different clinic this time, so let’s see if I get lucky. I will love to experience it all again.


If you had a choice, which beauty treatment will you go for? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading.


*This is a collaborative post.


Cryotheraphy: The Healing Power of Ice?


So I went under the ice some days ago, and it was an experience I will never forget. I remember seeing one of the ‘real housewives’ having the treatment, and me thinking how cool it would be to try it. I guess the universe was listening, and ordered the PR girls for Mozhgan Taheri Beauty Clinic to invite me in for a Cryotherapy session. For those who do not know, Cryotheraphy, also known as the healing power of ice, is the use of extremely low temperatures to reduce fat in body areas, improve skin tone, smooth facial wrinkles, reduces acne, relieves pain, injuries and muscle damage, decrease inflammation, and increase cell rejuvenation.The treatment originated from Japan, and the whole idea behind it, is the liquid nitrogen-based freezing technology on a concentrated area to trigger a physiological reaction to cold temperatures.


I went into the clinic with no expectations really, I just wanted to discover how it felt to go under the ice. After having my babies, my stomach did not completely go back to the way it use to be, the firmess disappered along with the bump (post pregnancy drama), so I jumped at the opportunity to try out this popular treatment, and destroy the excess fat cells in my belly. Did I succeed? Read on……..


The session lasted for about 35 minutes, the owner and therapist – Mozhgan Taheri made me feel relaxed, while massaging and contouring the left and right sides of my stomach(at separate times), with the ice-cold air at the same time. You can see how cold it was on the machine display below:

The Healing Power of Ice 1

The Healing Power of Ice


It was freezing, my stomach went numb after some minutes, I have ever felt such cold in my life, but it was not painful. I was comfortable all through the session, kept warm under the towels, and the room was well heated, which was good.


Overall, the treatment itself was great. I love the fact that it is non-invasive, pain killers were not required, and I could just go about my business as normal. Measurements or pictures were not taken before the treatment, so I am not 100% sure of how many inches I lost, but looking at it, I think I lost quite a few on both sides of the stomach, but it appeared to have moved to the middle, or it could just be me seeing things, lol. To achieve a noticeable difference, multiple sessions have to be carried out, and each session is priced around £100. It does not come cheap, but worth it if you can see the results.


If I have another opportunity to try this treatment, I would have it on my face, just to see how I look afterwards. That was my first choice, but decided to go for my stomach in the end.


So what are your thoughts? Have you had a Cryotherapy treatment before? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.


*Treatment was offered in exchange of a review.



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