Cosmo Magazine Shades Black Women


Cosmopolitan Magazine shades black women in a feature titled “21 beauty trends that need to die in 2015”. This feature highlights popular beauty trends that need to go away this year. The shade is Cosmo using mostly black models and celebrities as examples of beauty don’ts in the R.I.P column, and mostly white models and celebrities as examples of beauty dos in the Hello Gorgeous column.


Social media has been buzzing with so many reactions. See some reactions below:

– “Coincidence that all the “wrong” looks are on black woman/WOC?

– “Rare to see women of colour in a mainstream magazine. And when you do it’s to tell us we’re ugly.

Cosmo has addressed this issue via an Editor’s note:

This article focuses on beauty trends with images that represent those trends. Some images have been taken out of context, and we apologize for any offense. Celebrating all women is our mission, and we will continue to work hard to do that.”

What do you guys think? Shade or no shade?

3 responses

  1. They did give a good excuse,but just a little shady really.Like black people don’t have enough issues already just because of the color of the skin..

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