Spring Cleaning 2015

The clothes we wear tell a story. I take one look at your wardrobe and it will tell me all I need to know about your style and taste. The fashion choices we make speak louder than words, that is why we must choose them carefully. It is important to spring clean our wardrobe every now and again to make sure our clothes are telling the right story.


Spring cleaning is required at least twice a year but I recommend at the start of every new season. This exercise helps us discover the following:

  • Clothes we may have forgotten we had
  • Clothes we misplaced
  • Clothes that no longer fit
  • Clothes that have not been worn in over a year
  • Designs and styles we have grown out of
  • Damaged clothes and the list goes on.

I usually spring clean my wardrobe at the start of every new season and I advise you do the same. Spring cleaning my wardrobe gives me room to see what I need to buy, get rid of and what I need to keep. I also love knowing what I have and seeing everything neat and organised.

Here are 5 steps you could use when spring cleaning your wardrobe

  1. Set aside time when you will be undisturbed, two hours should be enough to sort out your wardrobe, depending on how big your wardrobe is.

2. Empty your wardrobe completely before you begin so you have a clear space.

3. Make three piles of clothes; one to keep, one to giveaway and a ‘maybe’ pile.

4. Arrange the clothes you intend on keeping back into your wardrobe, clothes you will be wearing frequently should be easy to reach.

5. Once the spring clean is done, there might be gaps in your wardrobe you will need to fill. A good excuse to go shopping, no?

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