Fashion Criminal – Katie Price

Never underestimate the fashion sense of the Pricey! Katie Price’s idea of style is something else, for lack of a better word of describing it. From her hair, down to her toes is just so wrong. She styles her accessories wrongly, pairs them with the wrong outfits, the colours she likes and wears regularly do nothing for her natural colouring or body shape. Her style is just plain TRASHY and that is the honest truth. I wonder what goes on in her mind when she selects her outfits. I just wonder…….

Katie Price

Katie Price Fashion

Katie Price can be tweaked in the right way. She needs a MAKE-UNDER. There is just too much going on with her style, and they are all making her look very unattractive. I will love to see her wear more neutral colours, pair her accessories with the right pieces, wear better fitted outfits, chic tops and blazers, paired with skinnies will be fantastic, as long they are in the right colours. With Katie Price, I think her style suffers more from a colour mismatch than anything else. She wears pieces and accessories in colours, you won’t think a grown up woman would wear, and she matches them wrongly.

Katie Price

Katie Price Fashion

The whole world knows Pink is Katie’s favourite colour but that doesn’t mean she should leave her house looking like her Barbie Doll. Just take another look at the outfit above and tell me how a 36-year-old mother can go out looking like that, when you are done, look below and tell me how you can dress up with all your pieces and accessories in one colour, and it is not a neutral colour.

katie price lax 170709

Her Pictures speak louder than my words, I hope she improves on her fashion style, so she could be  Style Icon some day, at least on Fashion and Style Police. What do you think of Katie Price’s style? Sound off in the comment section.

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