How Hormones Affect the Skin in your 30s

Our bodies go through a lot of changes. And as each day passes, these changes become more and more evident in our life – especially our skin.

As we get older, the level of certain hormones starts dropping. The decrease in these hormones leads to changes in our skin, especially our face, and usually starts in our 30s.



I clocked 30 in January, and I have started noticing changes in my skin for the last 3 years. As much as I may dislike having to deal with these new developments, I can’t run away from the reality that nature must take its course, so I might as well try to understand what causes these changes and how we can best manage the situation.

Here are some of the ways hormones affect your skin in your 30s and what you can do to deal with them.


Visible Change #1 – Breakout

When you thought you closed the chapter on your acne problem in your teens, those horrible pimples start rearing their heads in your 30s. The major cause of breakouts in your 30s is an increase in the stress hormone called cortisol.

High cortisol levels spring the sebaceous glands (the glands responsible for producing oil in your body) to make more oil. This is what causes your skin to be oily and when the oil gets in contact with dirt, sweat and grime it begins to inflame. Sometimes they fill up with pus especially when the pore gets infected.


Action Step #1 – Calm down and relax

Of course, it’s normal to get stressed. Work, family and other very important engagements can take a huge toll on someone. But we all need to make room for some relaxation.

I have been breaking out seriously recently, so I guess there is a spike in the stress hormone in my body, which I am not surprised about. I need to take my own advice, and relax a bit more.


Visible Change #2 – Dull looking skin

As we grow older, our skin tends not to glow as much as it used to when we were in our 20s. This is caused by a drop in the levels of a hormone called estrogen. Estrogen is produced in the ovaries and it promotes the production of collagen and elastin that make your skin look plump and give it that youthful glow.

A reduction of estrogen changes your complexion and causes your eyes to be puffy. This is because the lymph glands that are in charge of removing the toxins from your body weaken.


Action Step #2 – Apply products that contain Retinol

The best way to deal with a drop of estrogen is to promote collagen and elastin production. Retinol helps to boost both collagen and elastin by making the skin thicker. This will help your skin gets its glow back.



Visible Change #3 – Wrinkles and Fine Lines

This might be the one that gives women the most concern. A decrease in growth hormone makes the skin wrinkle on the forehead, and the corners of the eyes and mouth.

As we grow older the skin doesn’t bounce back as quickly as it used to, so the fine lines become more visible.


Action Step #3 – Exfoliate and Moisturize

Exfoliating the skin helps to activate the blood vessels and bring your skin cells back to life. It helps to reduce the presence of wrinkles and fine lines.

Moisturizing immediately after exfoliation will help nourish your skin and help you smoothen those wrinkles. You can apply anti-wrinkle cream to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles too.


Are you going through any skin changes? Do sound off in the comments section below.

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