How to be a Great Lifestyle Blogger

I enjoy lifestyle blogging. I was a bit hesitant to go down that path at first, but now that I am on it, I am loving it. It is interesting to write and chat about regular real life “stuff”.


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Lifestyle blogging isn’t always about sharing tips and hacks; it’s more of an avenue to share what goes on in life with those who could relate with the experiences.

Here are some lifestyle blogging tips so of you may find handy –


  1. Don’t be afraid to share parts of your life, especially the ones that are personal

Lifestyle bloggers blog a lot about what happens in their lives – their thoughts, their feelings and their opinions. But as a lifestyle blogger it can get a little scary to share some parts of your life even though it will inspire, teach and inform your readers.

Some experiences could be so painful that it’s difficult to relive them. Some experiences may seem so ridiculously insignificant that you feel it’ll be a waste of time to share.

The truth is that there is a lesson behind every story whether it is good or bad. So, if you know that your story is something that will benefit your readers in any way, don’t be afraid to share it. Chances are that you will touch a life, inspire or motivate someone. Or just make someone laugh out loud.


  1. Be honest and objective

Readers like honesty and it’s so easy to tell when someone is faking emotions, personality or ideas. Lifestyle bloggers write a lot of reviews. If you want to be a great lifestyle blogger then you need to be honest about what you think/feel about products, services or events.

Honesty breeds respect and your readers will appreciate your honest opinions.

You don’t have to say something is great when there is nothing great about it. Being brutally honest raises the credibility of your blog. Your readers will keep coming back.




  1. Be consistent about your messaging, brand and style

To be a great lifestyle blogger you need to have a clear picture of who you are. Consistency in your message, brand and style attracts your ideal readers. It helps you build a solid following of people who truly love and believe in you and what you do.

If you find yourself constantly changing your style or writing about topics that veer off the main purpose of your blog, you will lose readers due to lack of focus. They will never really know if your blog is truly for them or not.


  1. Make your content relatable

Although the experiences, tips and insights you share are all inspired by your life, you need to always remember that you’re blogging for your audience. The best way your career as a lifestyle blogger can be successful is to create content that your target audience can relate with.

Your readers have to be able to see themselves in your shoes and any story, event or experience you share should make them feel that they lived it themselves. This creates a close relationship between you and your readers, and helps build a good following.


5. Have a Life

This is the final tip, and I believe it is the most important tip of all, so I saved the best for last. If you are still reading, having a life is one of the best things you could do for yourself as a lifestyle blogger. Having a life means you will be healthy and happy, and you will never run out of quality content.


If you blog, do you have any tips to share? If you don’t, what are the qualities you look for in a lifestyle blog?


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