Charity of the month – Mind for better mental health

Mental health is something I am very passionate about, which is one of the reasons why I decided to go back to university to study Psychology. The goal is to serve as a Clinical Psychologist, and so far, I am loving the modules I am studying. I am 2 modules for my first year – Introduction to Psychology 1 and Child Psychology and Childhood Studies. Both modules have really changed my mindset and I am learning so much about psychology already. It is amazing how much I have learnt in the last 3 months. I am glad I finally took the bull by the horns and went with it.

If you have been a regular reader of Fashion and Style Police, the charity of the month this February should really come as no surprise.


Charity of the month image

Charity of the month – Mind

The charity I am supporting this month is Mind. Mind is a charity focused on mental health. The charity provides adequate advice and support to help those  experiencing mental health issues. Mind campaigns help improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding of mental health in general. Thanks to this amazing charity, millions of people in England and Wales have access to the much needed advice and support.

Mind relies on donations and every little helps. For every £1 donated, 72p is spent on charitable work. The charity handled 76,323 queries in 2016/2017, 10.8 million accessed their information, and more of these happen year after year. Supporting a charity like Mind means you are helping those who suffer from mental health problems. It means you are saving a life by helping to provide the resources they need to thrive.

If you are like me and passionate about mental health and want to support Mind, you can donate here. Your donation could be a lifesaver for someone else.

Thanks for reading and donating. Have a fabulous week ahead.

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  1. Pingback: Charity of the month – Mind for better mental health — fashionandstylepolice – New Horizon

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