How to come up with great blog post ideas

I have been blogging steadily for almost ten years now and I am glad to say I never run out of ideas. Writing is my passion, and my other jobs involve writing and editing, so this is my comfort zone. Ideas flow naturally for me which is why Fashion and Style Police stays updated with new blog posts. To have a successful blog, you have to be able to come up with regular content that stands out from the noise online. It has to be unique and magnetic to attract as many readers as possible. If you are struggling with blog post ideas, here are some ways to come up with regular content for your blog:

Blog post ideas image


Write down your ideas

Many of my ideas come to me when I am up and about living life. This is why it is super important to write down your ideas so you can refer to them when it is time to write your first draft. Relying on your memory can be risky; it’s best to jot down a few bullet points to aid your memory.

Ask your readers

You can always ask your audience what sort of blog posts they would want to read on your blog. I have done this in the past before and the answers are always interesting. If you are struggling with writer’s block, asking your readers what sort of blogs they would want to read could get things moving again.

Use targeted searches on the web

I do this a lot. Many times I have an idea but I am not sure of the right title to use or the best keywords to match the posts and this is where targeted searches come in handy. You could also use targeted searches on Google to find blog post ideas. Just type in the keywords or category you are interested in writing about and let the big wide web guide you.

Find trending topics

This could be seen by many as a lazy way out but it works especially if you are hoping to go viral. Writing about trending topics is one of the fastest ways to gain more visibility on your blog. You can find trending topics via search engines in the news section or on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Share your story/view

Your blog is supposed to be personal so make use of your platform and share your story or opinion. Sharing product reviews is a great way to share your thoughts on a product. Product review posts are usually well received on search engines since they are very personal and useful. Sharing experiences is another way to have great content. There is no one else on the planet living your life but yourself so make the most of your uniqueness and blog about it.

I hope you find these ideas useful. It can be tricky to always have content ready on your blog but if you keep at it. Having said that, it gets easier. Do you have a blog? How do you come up with great blog post ideas?

2 responses

  1. Writing down all my ideas as they come to me is a big help when I sit down to write and need inspiration for a post! I love your idea for asking one’s reader too, though. 🙂

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