Aquarius Individual Fashion Sense

Some call us weird, others call us wonderful. Many people we are inventive and quirky, and we are!

I am not so into Zodiac signs anymore, unlike when I was a lot younger. But I do know quite a lot about Zodiac signs and their meanings, especially mine which is Aquarius. I tick most of the Aquarius boxes. I am the humanitarian and philanthropist of the zodiac. We Aquarius do not shy away from lending a helping hand when needed. We are passionate, unconventional, independent and we have the need to express our ingenuity, which is why I blog I guess. Fashion and Style Police is a creative outlet for me, and it has changed my life for the better. It is definitely one of the best things that ever happened to me.


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Being an Aquarius also explains a lot of things about my life, my personality and what makes me tick. It also explains my fashion sense. I have been doing some reading of fashion in general, and why we like certain styles. Why specific designs and pieces appeal to some and not others. And I have come to realise that our zodiac signs could play a role in our fashion sense.


So what is the Aquarius Individual Fashion Sense all about?

Unconventional and Original

The Aquarius personal style is usually unconventional and very original. We are usually free-spirited when it comes to fashion, which is why we tend to wear pieces in different ways. Having an original fashion sense is amazing, as there is never a dull fashion moment for a fashionista Aquarius chic. The possibilities are endless in the styling department.


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Predict Trends

The Aquarius woman has the forward thinking gift, which is amazing when put to fashion and style use. Aquarians can predict fashion trends well in advance and can play around with various styles in the pursuit of the perfect look.

The talented fashion designer Mary Quant predicted trends well in advance. She invented the mini-skirt, creating a uniform for the 1960s women’s lib movement. But she forever gives credit to her clients.

“It was the girls on the King’s Road who invented the mini. I was making easy, youthful, simple clothes, in which you could move, in which you could run and jump, and we would make them the length the customer wanted. I wore them very short and the customers would say, ‘Shorter, shorter.’”


Do you think your zodiac sign plays a role in your fashion sense?

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