Top Tips for a Clean Kitchen

Spring is here and it is finally time for a proper spring cleaning. Most people start with the upstairs floors and work their way down. They leave the kitchen for last. Although this approach is the proper thing to do, it is likely that you would have lost the energy and desire to clean the kitchen by the time you have finished cleaning all other rooms.


clean kitchen image


Here are a few top tips for a clean kitchen that could save you time and achieve optimum result.

Ask any cleaner who use the Helpling platform and they will tell you that the kitchen should be the cleanest spot in the house. Follow these tips and you will always have a spotless kitchen.


Kitchen Cleaning Tips
  1. Exclude the kitchen from your spring cleaning routine but make sure you will clean it every week.
  2. Draft a list with what it is that needs to be cleaned and write next to it how often it is supposed to be cleaned. The oven, fridge and freezer are typical examples that do not have to be cleaned every week.
  3. Place cleaning material and clothes in a prominent place and encourage everybody in the house to clean up any dirt they see, immediately.
  4. Do you have small children? Reward them for participating in cleaning. Kids are the biggest culprits to leave dirty spots. Encourage them to clean it up immediately or even to participate in your cleaning routine. While you focus on the overhead cupboards, they can do the ones below the sink.
  5. Reward yourself once you are done cleaning. The thought itself should stimulate doing the job properly and quickly.
  6. Revisit your cupboard and establish what you can do to improve packing your groceries away in such way that it won’t dirt your cupboards.
  7. Remove or replaced any damaged parts in the kitchen. Broken tiles or hinges are frustrating but they also contribute to the built up of germs and dirt in the area.
  8. Reconsider the rules for the kitchen. Write it down how you expect people to behave in the kitchen and place those rules somewhere where everybody can see them. The door of the fridge would be a perfect spot.
  9. Make a point that any dirt or dishes should be cleaned immediately. The moment you ignore this rule, people will no longer respect the need for a clean kitchen and won’t bother anymore to contribute.
  10. Re-consider your cooking habits. Is your kitchen always dirty? Have you ever thought about changing the way you cook?

A clean kitchen is important in many ways. These hacks will hopefully help you achieving that.

Do you have any tips for maintaining a clean kitchen? Please share them.


*Collaborative post.

My Dream Kitchen


I spend quite a lot of time in my kitchen, so you can imagine I would want this space to look ace, if money was no object. I would go all out, break down walls, have a bigger kitchen furnished with the latest appliances to cook yummy meals and entertain guests. I think the kitchen is the busiest and the most important room in a house, and in order to make a house a home, the kitchen has to be all you want it to be as far as your pocket can allow. If you read my previous home improvement posts (if you missed them, click here and here), you will know all about how we are still trying to get some work done scheduled to be completed next summer. Well, while that is a work-in-progress, I am here, day dreaming about the kitchen above, this beauty is my ideal kitchen,if only money was no object…

My Dream Kitchen

I also love this one above as well. I love the abundance of space, the granite work tops, the lightning, the appliances and the American look they both have, and I am not alone. A recent study commissioned by Mayfair Granite has shown that the most desirable features UK residents would like to see in their kitchens if money was no object. The research conducted polled 1,000 UK home owners and was split into five sections; worktops, flooring, appliances, lighting and style of kitchen, with participants asked to choose their favourite feature from each. Well here are the results:


Granite surfaces were voted the top worktop by participants with 39% of the vote, while quartz was also popular with 32%. However, restaurant and catering venue favourite stainless steel didn’t make the grade with only 5% of the vote.


The majority of participants (32%) chose traditional tile flooring for their dream kitchen, while Vinyl (25%) and Laminate (22%) were also popular. Hardwood flooring was less popular, with sealed cork getting the thumbs down with just 8% of the vote.


The appliance that topped the dream kitchen list was the range oven with 29%; smart fridge freezers proved popular too with 22%, as did a Kitchen Aid and boiling water tap both with 18%. Participants also seem to like their coffee, with 13% of them choosing to have a coffee machine in their dream kitchen.


Recessed lighting has been popular for many years due to its versatility and has proved again that it’s the top choice with 33% of the vote. Coming in second was pendant lights (26%) which have seen a resurgence in the last few years, but fluorescent lights seem to be stuck with the stigma of schools and office buildings, coming bottom with just 8% of the vote.

Style of kitchen

A smooth and sleek kitchen design was what the majority of participants wanted for their dream kitchen, with traditional and country styles closely following in second and third. The American trend of shaker kitchens doesn’t seem to have crossed the pond though, with just 15% of the vote.

Mayfair Granite Dream Kitchen

I am not surprised at the results at all, I would have voted for them myself. Granite surfaces are my preferred worktops, I like a traditional tile flooring, I would love to have a coffee machine in my kitchen (that is one kitchen appliance I am lacking), recessed lighting are my preferred choice and I love the modern, sleek kitchen design.

You can read more of the survey here.

How would you want your dream kitchen to look like? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading.

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