Top Five Beauty Tips for Women

*Collaborative post.

When you are browsing on the Internet, you will find thousands of beauty tips for women. Some of them are universal, while others only apply to specific types. It can be difficult and time consuming to sort through everything until you find beauty tips that are relevant to you. However, there are certain effective beauty tips that work for all women, such as having a skin care routine, trying mink lashes, and taking care of your teeth. Take a look at the top five beauty tips for women.

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  1. Have a Skin Care Routine

You can start taking care of your skin at a young age, and you will continue throughout your entire life. If you want your skin to look healthy, you need to keep it clean and hydrated. The right skin care will ensure that your skin stays smooth, hydrated, and glowing. You can use sunscreen to protect your skin from the UV light of the sun, and choose a moisturizer that keeps your skin hydrated. It is important to choose skin care products that are designed for your skin type, age, and other factors. When you take care of your skin, it will look great for many years to come.

  1. Try Mink Lashes

Many people today are trying treatments to enhance their lashes, and mink lashes are very popular. These lashes are made from both real mink fur and material that is similar to this fur, and they are light, soft, fluffy, and natural looking. If you are looking for a full look that still looks natural, this is a great option. Some people say that they last longer because they are lighter than other materials that are used. They come in different lengths and thicknesses, so you can customize your look. This type of lash is great for building volume, and you can get them for both top and bottom lashes.

  1. Take Care of Your Teeth

Your teeth are important to you throughout your entire life. When you take care of them, they look great and function as they were intended. Your smile is closely connected to your beauty, and when you are uncomfortable with your teeth, you are less likely to smile. However, when you are pleased with your teeth, you can smile. In addition to brushing and flossing, you can get whitening treatments. There are many other cosmetic procedures that are available if you need to repair a broken tooth or improve your smile.

  1. Manage Your Stress

When you are stressed out, it shows in your face and your body. Stress can have an impact on your skin and your hair. It can cause increased sebum production that leads to clogged pores, and it can cause other skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, and more. Stress also lowers your skin’s ability to heal itself, and it can cause you to neglect some of your self care practices. You can work on reducing stress by trying meditation or exercising.

  1. Take Care of Your Nails

If your nails are dirty or broken, people will notice. It is important to make sure that you clean your nails to keep them healthy and strong. You can paint them and shape them, or just wear them naturally, but make sure that they are clean. Pay attention to the nail polish you choose because some can leave stains. Start with a clear coat to avoid any staining.


Best Foods for Nails and Hair

I have started paying extra attention to my nails and hair, and they are both looking great! It just proves that what you focus on will definitely thrive.  My hair was in a terrible shape some years ago. Chemicals damaged my hair badly, and it was weak and dull. I decided to grow my hair natural and I am thankful I made that decision. It took a few years to get my hair looking good again. I tried various products and tricks to bring my hair back to life and I finally found a hair routine that works great for my hair. My hair is now growing like weed and I now able to wear my natural hair in different ways. My nails were also very weak and brittle, but that is no longer the case. Having a good diet does help the nails and help grow healthy and strong. Here are some of the best foods for nails and hair.

Best Foods for Nails

Our nails need calcium and silicon. These can be found in diary products but also in eggs, oats, sardines, sesame seeds and nuts. Ginger, gingko biloba and garlic also help in circulation, which in turn helps the nails stay healthy and look beautiful. The white flecks on the nails are caused by zinc deficiency. You can top up your zinc with oysters. A zinc multivitamin will also help your nails and overall health. Drinking water helps keep the nails from drying out, so keep drinking the recommended amount of water everyday.

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Best Foods for Hair

Our hair is one of the first parts of our body to show a nutrient deficiency. If you want your hair looking healthy and shiny, you have to ensure your diet is balanced. For hair growth, Iron is what you need the most. You can get this from dark green vegetables, red meat, dried fruit and the likes. Omega 3 essential fatty acids foods like flax seeds, almonds and oily fish are also great for helping the hair grow strong and healthy. Water is also very important when it comes to healthy hair. Drinking the recommended amount of water everyday will help the hair stay glossy and grow like weed.

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What do you think of these Best Foods for Nails and Hair? Did any on the list surprise you? Please sound off in the comments section below, let’s chat. Thanks for stopping by.

How to do a professional manicure step by step

Having a manicure is a great way to treat yourself and your nails. There’s the right way to manicure as well as the lazy way. To get your nails looking great, you should ensure you follow the professional manicure steps. There are no shortcuts when it comes to beauty and skincare. You have to follow the necessary steps to achieve the look you are going for.


How to do a professional manicure step by step


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The first thing to do is to remove the old nail polish.

Never be tempted not to. The best way to remove your old polish is with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover. This works best when you hold the stacked cotton pad over the nail for a minute so it absorbs the polish before wiping it off. This also ensure you wipe off your nail polish neatly without it spilling over to the sides of the nail.


Apply Cuticle Cream

Once the old nail polish is off, you should apply cuticle cream. This does wonders for your nails, especially when you lay your hands on the right one.


Shape the Nails

You should shape the nails using a nail file. Only use a scissors if you want to really reduce the length of the nails. Best to share with a nail file from edge to centre at an angle. File the tip downwards by holding the nail file vertically.


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Buff and Colour

A good buffing of the nails is your next step, then colour. A base coat, 2 coats of colour and a top coat work great if you have the time. Most times, I just buff and apply a clear polish, and I am good to go. It all depends on the look you are going for. Also, it is best to paint from bottom to top vertically and make sure you are using good quality nail polishes to achieve the desired results.

I am not a fan of the quick nail polish drying method, I like to put my foot up and do nothing for a few minutes after painting my nails. However, if I need to do something with my hands, I wait until my nails are touch dry and then I run a cold water tap over them for a few seconds. This method helps the nails dry a lot quicker.


Do you have any professional manicure tips to share? Please sound off in the comments section, let’s hear all about your tried and tested nail care tip.


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