The Benefits of Vaping

I love writing opinion posts. It gives me an avenue to air my sometimes controversial views, and hear from others as well. The comments section on my opinion posts usually goes lit, which is always good. I learn from my readers and they learn from me, so it is a win-win situation regardless of how you see it. My opinion post today is all about the benefits of vaping and why e cigarettes are better than the regular cigarettes.

The vaping industry has recently explored with a variety of e-cigarettes available in different flavours and from many brands. Today, there is no need to put your health in harm’s way if you need to smoke (emphasis on the need). There are various alternatives available, so you can puff away without having to worry about tobacco dangers.


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For those who are new to the vaping term, here is an easy definition for you by the guys at Quit Smoking Community –


“Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the water vapor produced by an electric device called vaporizer (or e-cigarette).”



If you are thinking of giving up smoking but struggling to quit, you could try vaping. Here are some of the benefits of Vaping for those who are contemplating quitting smoking but not aware of Vaping  –


  1. Vaping is tobacco free and in some cases nicotine free.
  2. There is no harmful smoke. It is all vapour.
  3. No bad smell or breath. E-cigarettes smell much better, they usually have a sweet, fruity, or minty fragrance.
  4. There is a variety of e-cigarettes available in various flavours, so you have options.
  5. No need for dirty ashtrays or cigarette burns.
  6. E cigarettes are more economical than regular cigarettes in the long run.
  7. The chances of getting cancer and other smoke related illness are reduced with Vaping.


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So is Vaping safe? Here are some answers from the professionals –

“Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking.” Public Health England

Vaporizers are many times less harmful than traditional tobacco cigarettes, and Vaping can even help smokers quit. American Heart Association

The proven advantages of Vaping outweigh its “potential” harms. Vaporizers are the first genuinely new way of helping people quit smoking that we have seen in many years. Royal College of Physicians


I believe Vaping is a lot safer than regular smoking, and I think it is a great way to quit tobacco smoking.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

Thanks for stopping by.


*Collaborative post.

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