The Benefits of Vaping

I love writing opinion posts. It gives me an avenue to air my sometimes controversial views, and hear from others as well. The comments section on my opinion posts usually goes lit, which is always good. I learn from my readers and they learn from me, so it is a win-win situation regardless of how you see it. My opinion post today is all about the benefits of vaping and why e cigarettes are better than the regular cigarettes.

The vaping industry has recently explored with a variety of e-cigarettes available in different flavours and from many brands. Today, there is no need to put your health in harm’s way if you need to smoke (emphasis on the need). There are various alternatives available, so you can puff away without having to worry about tobacco dangers.


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For those who are new to the vaping term, here is an easy definition for you by the guys at Quit Smoking Community –


“Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the water vapor produced by an electric device called vaporizer (or e-cigarette).”



If you are thinking of giving up smoking but struggling to quit, you could try vaping. Here are some of the benefits of Vaping for those who are contemplating quitting smoking but not aware of Vaping  –


  1. Vaping is tobacco free and in some cases nicotine free.
  2. There is no harmful smoke. It is all vapour.
  3. No bad smell or breath. E-cigarettes smell much better, they usually have a sweet, fruity, or minty fragrance.
  4. There is a variety of e-cigarettes available in various flavours, so you have options.
  5. No need for dirty ashtrays or cigarette burns.
  6. E cigarettes are more economical than regular cigarettes in the long run.
  7. The chances of getting cancer and other smoke related illness are reduced with Vaping.


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So is Vaping safe? Here are some answers from the professionals –

“Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking.” Public Health England

Vaporizers are many times less harmful than traditional tobacco cigarettes, and Vaping can even help smokers quit. American Heart Association

The proven advantages of Vaping outweigh its “potential” harms. Vaporizers are the first genuinely new way of helping people quit smoking that we have seen in many years. Royal College of Physicians


I believe Vaping is a lot safer than regular smoking, and I think it is a great way to quit tobacco smoking.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

Thanks for stopping by.


*Collaborative post.

How Has Vaping Taken The Pop Culture Crown Away From Cigarette Smoking?

Cigarette smoking for more than a century now has developed a reputation as the constant companion of the cool and the socially successful. Whether you’re chilling in a pub, a club, or even just at a friend’s house, it seems that someone always whips out a smoke or two which if you’re not a smoker, can be quite a pain.



Unless you already partake in the habit, being slowly covered in clouds made up of various chemicals is something that can easily kill your vibe. We’ve all been to events where the room’s taken on something of a divide, between smokers at one end and non-smokers at the other. Not the best atmosphere for getting the party atmosphere going.


Yet what you may have noticed recently amongst your social circle is that more and more smokers are putting down cigarettes in favour of E-cigarettes (e-cigs). These nifty little guys can completely simulate the act of smoking, but do so using flavoured vapour in place of tobacco and all the other nasty bits that go into a regular cigarette.


The act of smoking these e-cigs is known as ‘vaping’, and has gone from the signature accessory of the hipster to something that is now enjoyed by those from all backgrounds. Plenty of A-listers have also made the switch, so you might have seen regularly a few cheeky puffs here and there across pop culture.



Why Is Vaping So Popular?

Several factors have contributed to people switching from cigarette smoking to vaping.

The main thing that has led to vaping spreading so rapidly, is because of how similar it is to smoking a cigarette. You still go through the same routine of taking a few puffs with just the click of a button, and the ‘hit’ from the smoke is just as good-and tastier with such a wide range of e-liquid flavours on offer. This means that for those looking to quit smoking for good, vaping is a really good way to put down the cigarettes, without going cold turkey from the start.

It’s also pretty cheap, and will save you from having to constantly queue to buy more and more packets of tobacco and other smoking bits. Whilst picking out the right e-cig for you can take a while and cost a bit, it’s a one-off expense that you won’t have to repeat for quite a while.

Also as various governments keep taxing tobacco more and more, vaping is being viewed more and more as the healthier and hipper alternative. Even the NHS thinks that the new kid on the block is 95% safer than regular smoking, and they don’t just support any old thing without a lot of research! Whilst many fail to quit using nicotine patches, nicotine gum and other similar methods, vaping has helped so many people finally overcome their demons.



Cigarette Smoking Is Old News

Unfortunately, the standard of education around the world to do with smoking isn’t all that great. Big tobacco companies have been accused for years of trying to hook the young to get them started early, so it’s crucial that an alternative is found for them ASAP. These dirty tricks are luckily being found out thanks to social media, and more than a few smokers are no longer so keen to give their money to such an uncaring bunch.

There has also been a lot of shake-ups done again by various governments, who have put laws in place to restrict cigarettes from appearing as they once did in the media. Gone are the days where cigarette brands would be plastered on ad boards, sponsor sporting events and even portray themselves as kid-friendly, they are now kept well out of sight and even hidden in supermarkets behind the counter.

Out and about as well, the owners of various social scenes are turning their back on smokers who no longer make up such a key part of their clientele. Traditional smoking is banned in the vast majority of bars, nightclubs, etc., whereas vaping although not permitted everywhere, is much more tolerated thanks to its lack of second-hand smoke.

Therefore, where once smoking was the thing to do if you wanted to fit in socially, things are now actually working the other way around. As our knowledge of the impact of smoking on the body has improved, collectively the habit is nowhere near as accepted as a harmless pastime as it once was. E-cigarettes totally remove this issue, as the vapour it gives off has virtually no effect unlike regular smoke which can wreck your lungs and those of your friends in an instant. Vaping therefore has become the best of both worlds, providing both smokers and non-smokers alike with a happy middle-ground.


What are your thoughts on vaping?


*Collaborative post.

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