My Teeth Whitening Experience

I have always wanted pearly white teeth. Maybe my obsession with having white teeth came from watching too much trashy reality tv. The cast always have very white teeth on those programs. That could be why I am always in the pursuit of extra white teeth.

I know most of these celebs go for teeth whitening with Invisalign. I read that somewhere anyway. However, the treatment option has never been offered to me, and if it is offered, I know I will be turning down. I hear it is a lot of money to get them done and to be honest, I don’t think I need that much work done. Great dental clinics like this Whitby dentist, do offer affordable payment plans for those who need it. So if you are interested in having your teeth whitened, don’t let the price tag scare you. Do your research and find out the best payment plan for your budget.


Teeth whitening picture




My Teeth Whitening Experience

I have had my teeth whitened twice now. The first time was in 2012. I had it done at a very posh private clinic and I was very happy with the results. I was given home kits to take away with to use for about 2 weeks. My teeth went many shades whiter! I was so impressed!  For £200, it was money well spent in my eyes! I didn’t have to deal with teeth sensitivity at all, which was great too.

As the years have gone by, with all the eating and drinking. I needed to have a top up session done. So I booked a teeth whitening session with our dentist some months ago. I paid a bit more than £200 this time. I had a teeth whitening session for 1 hour at the clinic, and I was given a teeth whitening kit to use for 3 days at home. However, this experience was so different from my first. I felt the 1 hour teeth whitening session at the dentist was not as effective. There was little or no difference. I didn’t notice any difference but the dentist did.

The home kit given to me was also very difficult to use. It made my teeth so sensitive, I had to stop using it. I didn’t have this issue the first time I had my teeth whitened, so I found this new experience very confusing. It is frustrating that the money spent looks wasted.



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I will probably look at having my teeth whitened again in future but I need to be able to see a clear difference.


Have you ever had your teeth whitened before? Were you happy with the results?


*Collaborative post

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