Working from home with the kiddies this summer holiday

The kiddies had their graduation ceremony from pre school last week, and are finally off to Big School this September. We are looking forward to the exciting changes, and we can’t wait but for now, it is the summer holidays. I work from home, so working during the day with the kiddies are around is always very tricky. I do most of my work when they are in school and when they are asleep. But with the 6 weeks summer holidays, I have to be able to do some work during the day.

I love the flexibility of my work and being able to care for my kids while making living. So since I am unable to take 6 weeks off work, I have to make this working from home thing work for the next 6 weeks. My business grows and grows every year. Which means I am a lot more busy this year, than I was last year, which means more work.


Fashion Picture


So how do I plan to work from home this summer holiday, here are some ways –


Focus on what needs to be done

I am going to be focus on what needs to be done and make sure it is done. There won’t be any room for goofing around online when I am supposed to be working. Not that I do much of that, but with time being so precious these next few weeks, I will be focusing 100% on work while I work. There will be no room for distractions.


Plan my schedule

I will need to plan my schedule for the next few weeks in order to get work done quicker. Knowing what needs to be done well in advance helps me stay focused, which is why planning a schedule works extremely well. I don’t have to spend minutes/hours going through emails to decide on what needs to be done urgently.


Plan my outgoings

If you work for yourself, you have to keep an eye on your money. Keeping a watchful eye on my outgoings is very important especially in the next few weeks, as I can’t predict how much work I will be able to get done. Knowing where my money goes and having my money work hard for me is crucial. So no unnecessary spending this period. Like most families, we have important bills that need to be paid every month, like the mortgage, council tax, and other utility bills. Which means we have to watch every penny.

We own our home and that comes with a responsibility. Money needs to be set aside for unforeseen circumstances with regards to our home maintaimace. We have spent quite a few hundreds of pounds on home repairs already this year, which can be frustrating when money is tight. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I know our home is definitely an investment, and every penny we spend on it goes towards our investment. Sunlife has a great calculator for home owners to check how much their property has increased in value.  I like to check the value of our home from time to time, just so I know money spent on home repairs and improvements are not in vain.


Do you work from home? Do you have kids? How will you be getting work done this summer holidays?


*Collaborative post.




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