Rosacea Skin Condition & Treatment



Skin conditions are a pain. Many of us have to deal with them every now and again, so it always excites when I hear there is a treatment available or recommended lifestyle changes to combat an annoying skin condition. Some of you may suffer from Rosacea, or may know someone who does. For those who have never heard of Rosacea skin condition, it is a medical condition, where the veins in the face enlarge giving the face a slightly or very red appearance. It typically begins after the age of 30, although it can start before. The cheeks nose, chin or forehead are usually the affected areas on the face. At first, the redness will just come and go but as time passes, it tends to get darker and more chronic. If left untreated, the veins start to become visible, bumps and pimples start to develop, and in more severe cases the nose can become swollen and bumpy and the eyes irritated, watery and bloodshot. So this is a very serious medical skin condition.

I have seen a few people with this skin condition but I never knew what the name of the condition until very recently. At the moment, there is no known medical cure for the Rosacea skin condition but there are treatments available. These treatments tackle the symptoms and flare ups to make life manageable. The first place I would advise anyone to visit for a Rosacea Treatment would be Pulse Light Clinic London, and I would tell you why, but before I do that, watch this video by the clinic, it would answer many of your burning questions.


Pulse Light Clinic tackle the Rosacea skin medical condition with the IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment for the symptoms and a nutritional consultation from a qualified nutritionist for the lifestyle changes. This combination of these 2 effective treatment methods is what makes Pulse Light Clinic stand out from the rest. This treatment is for both men and women, it works on facial redness, bumps and pimples, and on all skin types.

If you are dealing with the Rosacea skin condition, you shouldn’t have to deal with it alone. Contact Pulse Light Clinic to book in a free consultation and patch-test to get started. You can reach them via email – or telephone 02075235158.

Do you have the Rosacea skin condition? Do you know anyone who does? Sound off in the comment section below, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.


*This is a collaborative post.

Felicity Jones Covers Harper’s Bazaar UK November 2016


Felicity Jones wears a Fendi dress and Cartier earrings on the newsstand cover, photographed by David Slijper and styled by Leith Clark


Felicity Jones is on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar November 2016 issue and I like it. I am a huge fan of Harper’s Bazaar magazine covers. I think they are very artistic and creative, and the covers always stand out from the rest. And this cover right here is no exception. I love the background and Felicity Jones’ Fendi outfit; she looks stunning.

I am not a fan of Felicity, I know little or nothing about her to be honest. So apart from the lovely cover, I have no interest in buying this issue. But I would read it if I come across it. If you are thinking of grabbing this issue, here are some quotes from her interview ith Harper’s Bazaar –

On social media:

She doesn’t use social media – “I would feel like I was working all the time”; politely deflects questions about her private life; and can still travel around London alone without getting pestered.”I don’t court that kind of attention,” she says. 

On strong female roles:

“You read things like: ‘He grabs her by the arm and pulls her along’,” she says wryly. “But there’s an appetite for both men and women to be interesting, complicated characters. We don’t want to see stereotypes any more on screen. I become really passionate when I’m playing a part, and I do fight for that role and for the intricacy of that person. Film is very powerful so I do feel that there is a certain amount of responsibility to portray reality. I have had really strong female role models in my life.” 



The special-edition subscribers’ cover features Jones wearing pieces from Burberry’s new collection, which takes inspiration from Virginia Woolf’s novel ‘Orlando’, photographed by David Slijper.

I love this Burberry outfit.

Both covers look great but I prefer the first cover? Which do you prefer?







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