Digital Marketing & Bloggers

Is digital marketing important to bloggers? Do we need to understand how digital marketing works to succeed as a blogger? My answer to both questions is YES. Digital marketing is very important and plays a crucial role in the success of any online business. The targeted marketing of products and services could help the right audience find your blog and increase your Domian Authority, so in order to be a succesful blogger, you need to understand how the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) works.

I remember when I first started blogging, I was clueless. I didn’t know what digital marketing or SEO was all about. I just wanted to write and publish post after post, but when I started to see my blog as a business, I knew I had to attract thousands of readers, get quality back links, and grow my blog in order to succeed, and that is where the knowledge of digital marketing and SEO comes in.



For those who do not know, SEO is the practise of actively trying to improve your search engine ranking. Bloggers can gain an awful lot of traffic, increase their domain authority and get good, quality back links, if they understand SEO and learn how to do their own digital marketing. Every day, I get loads of emails from various incompetent SEO companies making all sorts of false promises, like being on the 1st page of Google/Yahoo, and similar crazy promises. Here is an example of some of the emails I get:


Would you like to be listed at the top of every major search engine such as Google, Yahoo! & Bing for multiple search phrases (keywords) relevant to your products / services?

We are a team of professionals which includes 20 full-time SEO experts (Google Certified). We are proud to inform you that our team handled 250+ SEO projects.

We will be glad to assist you with offering our services.

Contact us for the best quote for your website & we’ll place your website on 1st page Google ranking for targeted keywords.

Note-:-Please Share your contact details (Skype ID or Phone Number) and let us know your convenient time for the call/call so our seniors can contact you directly for further discussion.
Kinds Regards,


Now emails like this usually end up in the trash can. I rather educate myself on digital marketing, than pay some ‘guru’ hundreds of pounds a month, to do what I should be able to, and what they may screw up for me anyway, and with Google seriously clamping down on websites/blogs that used various techniques to manipulate their organic search ranking, it is not worth the penalties or the headache.

We bloggers need to know how to make use of keywords to increase our visibility online and attract more blog readers, how to use the many social media profiles to promote our blogs, and how to get quality back lines to improve our domain authority. There is so much information online, available to anyone looking to understand the complexity of SEO, but I rather take a private digital marketing course, tailored to my blog’s needs, to improve my search engine ranking and online visibility. A private digital marketing course that is relevant to your own blog or business is more effective than learning general theory in a public class, because you get a one on one lesson at your own learning pace, tailored to your blog’s needs.

What are your thoughts? Have you had any SEO training or do you use an SEO agency? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading.


*This is a collaborative post.


19 responses

  1. I’ve never had help with SEO and I find it very difficult to believe the wild claims that some of these companies use! I think that digital marketing of our blogs comes with time as a blogger and hard work pays off when it comes to SEO.

  2. I have a bit of SEO background, so I’m always skeptical about receiving “offers” to help me make my blog more visible through online searching. The web changes very often, though, so it’s always nice to keep up with what’s new. I’m subscribed to a number of bloggers who offer free SEO and branding tips and I’ve found their input really useful. My blog’s still fairly new, though, (at 3 months old) so I’m still working on trying to put it out there and this article, along with the ones I’ve previously read, helps a lot.

    Jorj | Mad Cherry

  3. Like you, I had no idea about SEO before I started my blog. So far I’ve taught myself but there’s still so much I’m unsure of. Maybe I should use a SEO agency x

  4. Working full time in SEO I know how hard it can be to trust someone else to help you but if you do SEO yourself on your blog it can turn into a full time job if you want to go deeper into it. x

  5. Pingback: Digital Marketing as a Side Hustle - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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