Digital Marketing as a Side Hustle

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Digital marketing is now such a powerful tool and every business needs to make the most of it. Having an online presence massively impacts your business, and it is safe to say the more you make use of online platforms, the more audience your business would reach. I got into digital marketing a few years after I set up Fashion and Style Police, and it was definitely a learning curve and I learned a lot in short amount of time. It was a fun experience and I got to work with so many amazing clients by taking care of their blogging outreach and doing their PR.

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Digital Marketing as a Side Hustle

If you are thinking of getting digital marketing as a side hustle you are reading the right post. Here are some quick tips for you.

Choose the right online platform

There are so many digital platforms to choose from, so take your time and choose the right online platform to suit your needs. If you are setting up a digital marketing, I would suggest you set up a website and make use of as many social media platforms as you can manage especially Twitter, Linkeldn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Do your research

It is important you do your research before you embark on a new side hustle as a digital marketer. Read as much as you can on the areas you are interested in and pay attention to the trends. There are so many useful resources online to guide on this journey, so make the most of the information.

Get some work experience

Another great way of stepping into the world of digital marketing is to get work experience. If you are looking for a great PPC agency for work experience, a quick online search will guide you in the right direction. All you will need to do is to fire off some emails or messages on social media to relevant parties to find opportunities for work experience. Learning on the job is a great way to see if digital marketing is something you would enjoy as a side hustle to begin with, before you invest more time and money.

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Remember it takes time

Everything takes time, and slow and steady wins the race, so take it easy. Don’t compare yourself with others who have been in the digital marketing game longer than you. Do something small towards to your side hustle goal everyday and you will eventually get there. You only need 1 client to start off your side hustle gig.

Don’t leave your full-time job

If you work full-time, don’t leave your job just yet. Hold on to the pay check you are getting to start off your own business. Wait to see how your side gig starts off before you even contemplate leaving your full-time job.

Are you into digital marketing? Do you have any tried and tested tips to share? Please sound off in the comments section below, let’s chat. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good one.



Innovative Ways To Drum Up Interest In Your Business

*Collaborative post.

To attract customers and generate sales, you have to be able to connect with clients and spread the word about your brand and the products and services you offer. If you’re looking to boost sales and expand your client base, this guide contains tips and tricks to help you drum up interest in your business.

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Social media giveaways and competitions

Social media started life as a means of keeping in touch with friends and family but it has evolved into a much more diverse platform. Businesses have an incredible opportunity to engage with customers and strengthen ties and reach huge numbers of new clients. Giveaways and competitions are a brilliant way to turn heads, encourage people to follow your account and create interest in your products and services. To capitalise on the potential to build your following, make sure you issue clear instructions to your followers and ensure that they share the post to enter the competition. Ideally, you want to trigger a domino effect, with followers sharing your post with their friends and followers and so on. 

Before you stage a competition, make sure you have products and prizes available and set out terms and conditions. Set a deadline for entries, communicate clearly with your followers and respond to questions and queries promptly. When you make the draw, share news on your account and consider featuring the winner in a follow-up post. 

Running competitions and giveaways can boost follower numbers significantly. If you have a raft of new followers online, take advantage of the chance to engage with a captive audience and take steps to maximise the chances of securing sales. You could send out offer codes or promote new items straight after the competition closes, for example. 

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Themed offers

Seasonal businesses thrive during peak periods but almost all companies can benefit from themed offers and discounts. From Christmas promotions and Easter giveaways to Valentine’s Day discounts and products designed to celebrate quirky, unique events for Chocolate Day or friends or sibling day celebrations, there are opportunities to encourage customers to make purchases. Use your social media profiles and accounts to share news of offers or new products and make sure your website links and content are visible online. If people search for Christmas gifts or ideas to celebrate a national holiday, for example, you want to ensure that your company attracts attention. 

It is beneficial to invest in SEO (search engine optimisation) even if you don’t sell online. Your website can act as a shop window or a base for finding information and contact details. If you have a local store, for example, local SEO can help you attract new customers and reach a wider audience. It’s also an excellent idea to use email communications and flyers to alert customers to upcoming product launches and seasonal offers. It’s worth noting that many people like to start shopping for special occasions in advance. For Christmas, for example, it’s an excellent idea to start building anticipation and encouraging people to follow you online and check your website during the autumn months. 

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Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become increasingly commonplace in recent years. This method of marketing involves using influencers, people who have a large following on social media, to promote products and services. Statistics suggest that 70% of teens trust social media influencers more than celebrities and almost 50% of social media users depend on recommendations from influencers to make purchasing decisions. 

If you are thinking about utilising influencer marketing to boost sales for your brand, it’s essential to choose the right influencer. Look for influencers who have a large following that matches your target customer and individuals who cover areas and promote products that are relevant to your brand. If you sell clothing aimed at young adults, for example, you want to work with an influencer who has a large following within this demographic and regularly posts about fashion. 

It is worth noting that it can also be beneficial to utilise real-life customers in your social media and online advertising campaigns. Many consumers value authenticity, and you may find that a post that features somebody who has actually bought the product is more impactful than an influencer or a celebrity holding or wearing a product for a photoshoot. 

Hosting events

Business events, such as product launches, can help to attract customers and create a buzz around your brand among buyers and retailers. If you plan to stage an event, think carefully about the guest list and try to make the event memorable. Choose a venue that will stand out, make your presentation engaging and interactive, offer samples or the opportunity to try products and showcase your passion. Take the opportunity to speak to people, ask for their contact details and follow up leads after the event. If you have a limited capacity, live stream the event on social media and send guests and those watching at home photographs, details of the presentation and information about getting in touch and placing an order. 

It is also beneficial to think about attending events, including trade shows and networking events, to build your contact list, introduce your brand to prospective buyers and customers and boost sales. If you choose the right show, you will have a captive audience ready and waiting to see what you’re selling. If you run a business that produces toys or accessories for pets, for example, setting up a stall at a dog show or an event for animal lovers will enable you to generate high-quality leads. 

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Search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a digital marketing technique, which uses the power and reach of search engines to create leads. Over 75% of people don’t get to page 2 of the search results so it’s critical to try and achieve the best possible position on page 1. Google processes more than 60,000 searches per second. If your website is not appearing in the results when users perform a search relevant to your products and services, you could be missing out on sales. If you’re not experienced in marketing, or you don’t have marketing professionals on your team, it’s worth exploring outsourcing. Outsourcing digital marketing will enable you to access expertise and work with an experienced agency to come up with targeted, tailored strategies to improve your search ranking and attract more attention. 

Driving traffic is one part of the challenge when it comes to increasing sales. If your SEO campaigns are working, and you’re getting more visitors, it’s essential to make sure that your website doesn’t let you down. Analyse data, test landing pages, vary the content you produce and share and make sure each page is interesting, useful and visually appealing. Including photographs, images and video clips is a brilliant way to capture attention. It’s also essential to provide simple, quick options for web users to access information, snap up deals or place an order. One of the most common reasons people abandon their baskets is a lack of information. Including an FAQ section and providing live chat support can make a positive difference to customer experience and lead conversion rates

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Sending out samples and offering trials

Many customers like to try before they buy. More and more businesses are offering free samples and trials to encourage prospective clients and shoppers to try their products and sign up for subscriptions or memberships. From online courses and subscriptions for foodies to new beauty products or soft drinks, you can get people interested in your brand by handing out freebies or joining forces with other businesses to promote new products. Some retailers, for example, will send you a free sample in the post when you place an order. Trials and testers can help you demonstrate the quality of your products and services, give you a competitive advantage and enhance customer confidence. If a buyer loves the product, they may buy it again and they’ll also recommend it to their friends, families and social media followers. 

Encouraging customers to leave reviews

More than 90% of consumers read reviews before buying or contacting a business. Online reviews have never been more influential. If you’re looking to expand your client base and increase sales, it’s incredibly beneficial to encourage clients and shoppers to leave reviews and feedback and to pass on recommendations to people they know. If you don’t have many reviews online, contact customers and ask them to provide feedback and offer incentives. It’s also an excellent idea to feature testimonials and verified reviews on your website and to share comments on your social media profiles and feeds. 

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If you’re on a mission to boost sales, you’re eager to promote a new product, or you’re looking for new customers, it’s vital to spread the word. Connect with customers online, use digital marketing methods to create a buzz around your brand, drive traffic to your website and grow your following and consider planning a launch event. Display your products at trade shows and events and exhibitions, send out free samples and offer introductory trials and encourage customers to leave reviews. If social media is your primary focus, use giveaways and competitions to increase follower numbers and think about working with influencers to shine a spotlight on your products and services and encourage more people to follow you and make a purchase. 






What is Blogger Outreach

I feel so attached to my readers. Which is why I have made it a priority to make sure that I deliver value every time I publish a post. Of course, I did other things like consistently promoting my blog, connecting with other bloggers and openly letting those I meet know that I own a blog. Just like me, other bloggers have been able to build their reader-base to hundreds and thousands. Their readers are so dedicated that they read every post published. This is what makes them an influencer and where blogger outreach comes in.


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What is Blogger Outreach?

Companies have caught on to the amazing potential bloggers have as influencers. So, they came up with the idea of leveraging on bloggers’ influencer status to promote their products and services. This whole process is called blogger outreach.

Blogger outreach is a branch of influencer marketing. This branch of influencer marketing is where businesses or reach out to bloggers with a fairly to promote their products or services. Although there are some controversies with this kind of marketing tactic, this is by far one of the most effective ways to put the word out there today.


How does Blogger Outreach work?

Let’s assume that you are somewhat of an influencer. You have a very good reader-base and you write about fashion and beauty. A makeup brand approaches you with their new makeup line and sends you a set of matte lipsticks. You try out the lipsticks, love them and tell your readers about them in an article reviewing that makeup company’s new line of matte lipsticks. You could also promote the products on social media. Your article and social media promotion will give that makeup company the needed exposure to boost their sales.


Who pitches first?

Usually in blogger outreach, the company is the one who does the reaching out. But confident bloggers with a decent following can also approach the companies.


How to get visible as a blogger

One way to get started is to think of all the products and services you paid for and write a review on those products and services. That is how I started and I still feature many products and services I pay for.

When you do this, it lets people know that you’re open to collaborations and this may generate interest amongst the PRs. However, you need to be extremely cautious once you go down this route. As a blogger, integrity is gold! Never compromise integrity for anything! Honesty is always the best policy, and it’s all about giving value. Let value be your focus.


I offer blogger outreach services, so if you are a business in need of bloggers to promote your brand/campaign, do get in touch via email –



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