My Laser Hair Removal Journey: The Patch Test

Laser Hair Removal


If you a frequent reader of Fashion and Style Police, you would know about me wanting to get my body hair taken off permanently. I have previously written about laser hair removal treatment a few times now (click here and here if you missed the posts); I have been obsessed with the treatment for a while now, so you can imagine my excitement when I had the golden opportunity to try it out with Laser Chic Clinic in Didsbury, Manchester.

Laser Chic


Laser Chic Clinic is a skin clinic specialist in laser treatments, such as hair removal, skin rejuvenation, pigmentation, facial and leg veins. I went in for a patch test session last week Saturday and it went great. For those who do not know, a patch test session is simply an initial consultation to determine if the laser treatment is right for you. I filled out forms, and had a long chat with a lovely lady. She explained the entire process in detail,a and answered all my questions. Then, I made myself comfortable on the green chair as you can above, ready to try out the laser hair removal machine for myself. I decided to have the treatment done on my chin, I am sick of having to wax or thread every month, and the hairs really annoy when they crop up.

Laser Hair Removal Laser Chic

The patch test itself was done in about 5 minutes.  I removed the makeup on my chin with a cleanser provided by the clinic (the area has to be makeup free or the machine could spark), I had my eyes covered with a pair of glasses, then I felt some cool air, and then the heat. The laser machine was used for a few seconds on three parts of the chin – the left, middle and right.  It felt strange, painful but bearable, if you can bear threading, then you can bear this. It was over quickly, and then some ointment was applied on it.

Hair Removal


What to expect? There was a bit of redness immediately as you can see, but that disappeared in minutes and I have had no issues with the area so far, burnt hairs; I could smell them, and my chin had a goosebumpy appearance for some hours. I have to wait for 7 days before I go for my next session, and I have that booked for this Saturday. I am looking forward to it. I will fill you guys next week on how my first full session goes so keep your eyes peeled.


What do you think? Have you had a laser hair removal treatment before? Sound off in the comment section. Thanks for reading.


*I was offered the treatment in exchange for a review, all words are MINE.





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