My Instagram Story

I almost didn’t feel like writing this post. I struggled to get the words out on how I feel about Instagram at the moment. The platform is still almost as confusing as ever! I am not 100% sure of what is working and what is not working. It is still just a trial and error process.



However, I am determined to make it work, so I will keep at it. I may not continue with the monthly update post, but I will post updates when I feel I have something to shout or moan about.

I have been very busy on Instagram; I post regularly now, and I am loving it. I like the challenge of finding an Instagram worthy photo to share. It keeps my creative juices flowing!

I am still in the pursuit of 10,000 followers before the end of the year. I have over that in my other social media platforms, so I am hoping to smash this target easily. I am currently at 3,820, which is not too bad. My followers keep going up and down, which is frustrating, but I hear that is the norm with Instagram.



The following and unfollowing thing does get to me a lot. I don’t get why anyone would think to run their social media accounts like that, but I know many do and it works for them, but I find it so wrong. I follow accounts I am interested in, regardless of whether they follow me back or not, and I would never dream to follow an account, only to unfollow when they follow back! That should be a social media crime!



In other news, the beautiful and talented Christina Milian liked my tweet the other day, and as a proper fan girl, I shared it on Instagram.




How are you finding Instagram these days? Has it been good to you? Please share your thoughts.



59 responses

  1. I’m with you on the follow to unfollow thing. It’s really wrong and so annoying! If you’re using it as you should it’s quite hard to grow your follow count I find! That’s quite something Christina Milian liking your tweet. High five to that!! 😊

  2. I feel like Instagram is such a hard platform now days! I believe they’ve changed the algorithms again, while I used to get many more likes and followers, it doesn’t happen easily anymore.
    I can’t say I love the platform much, blogging on the other hand is close to my heart.
    Thanks for the inspiration my darling.

  3. I love Instagram but am finding it so hard to grow my account. The follow / unfollow thing drives me mad, especially when I see it’s the same accounts doing it repeatedly to me.

  4. I think Instagram is the most frustrating of all social media. The petty follow/unfollow rubbish does my absolute head in – I don’t follow just for the sake of it, and people need to have a feed that genuinely interests me. I’ve had the same person follow me, then unfollow, only to follow the next day – ludicrous! You can gain huge followers quickly on Instagram, but when the algorithms change like they just have, you can go from 1500 likes to only 150, which is so frustrating! Hang in there – 10,000 is yours for the taking!

  5. I find instagram very up and down as well and it can disheartening when you’re putting a lot into it. I want to get to 5,000 followers at the moment x

  6. Instagram does my head in. I think it does the majority of people. It’s not straightforward to use like other social media platforms.

    You have to face to repost anything and it has to be done from your phone. I use it but I am not mad on it.

    I have lost count of how many times, I have seen, people around the virtual world asking how Insta works

  7. Instagram is the pain in my side it’s so hard to get anywhere I have stayed static now around 1770 for months and I hate the follow unfollow game it’s so annoying

  8. You are not the only one, thanks for sharing this I’m glad it’s not just me not rpfeeling it. I don’t really understand it and not sure how to preprocess with it either. But very excited for you about your tweet! That is excellent news!

  9. You are quite right, instagram is so hard and can be very annoying when people follow then unfollow you. But keep up the good work, determination is key and you will certainly meet your target. Congrats on Christina Millian likeing your tweet xx

  10. The follow unfollow thing is just rude! I get the same on Twitter, but it’s the same accounts. They DMd me and once I followed them or subscribed on YouTube, they unfollowed. Not a good way to conduct yourself! I’m going to try to be more consistent on Insta though as I feel thats the best way to keep your followers and to grow x


  11. I’m still figuring out Instagram – I love it for the amazing images (which has always been my favourite aspect of social media) but the follow/unfollow aspect of it I find very strange and almost hurtful sometimes. (I know, I’m probably reading too much into this). But it makes me not want to care about building up followers – even though that’s what is drilled into us as bloggers – building a brand etc. Charlie x

  12. I struggle with Instagram. I post regularly but it doesn’t really drive much traffic to my blog. My followers go up and down and I’ve only just crept over 400 followers! I heard the algorithm changed but I don’t have the inclination to try and keep up with the changes that go on. I’ll just keep doing what I do and see how I get on!

  13. I enjoy Instagram and am trying to post at least once a day and also better pictures. I used to post anything and everything but I’m trying to narrow it down and do far it’s going well. Followers are very slowly going up but I’m happy with the rate for where I am x

  14. Oh yes, I’m definitely with you on not liking people following and then unfollowing on IG. If someone’s account doesn’t resonate with me, then it’s simple – I just don’t follow them. You are doing the right thing I think so I wouldn’t worry – and it’s great you have so many followers – your feed looks great x

  15. I find Instagram really confusing too – my followers seem to hoover at around the same number, never really going up or down. But now I’m just concentrating on posting fun content that I like rather than chasing number x

  16. Instagram is such a struggle. I have the app that shows who unfollows you after they’ve just followed you. It’s just daft isn’t it. I love it but as it drives so little traffic to my blog I don’t get why so many companies think it’s so important. Especially when it can be so fake. I prefer fb for traffic etc. It’s a struggle on there but at least it’s real. Suzy mccullough

  17. I like Instagram. It can get annoying and frustrating, but now I do it just for me and the people who truly what to see what I post.

    And, I know exactly how you feel. When Glam and Gore liked one of my twitter post, I went a little crazy and starting screaming.

  18. Pingback: Instagram May Update « fashionandstylepolice

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