Should Bloggers Share Their Rates With Other Bloggers

Should Bloggers Share Their Rates With Other Bloggers? This is a question many bloggers, including myself have asked over and over again. It is really helpful to share your rates with your fellow bloggers. That could help a newbie blogger make the right decisions when it comes to how much to charge for sponsored posts and all. But sharing these rates causes other problems that can be avoided.



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Here are 3 that may come up when bloggers share their rates.


Confusion galore

When bloggers share their rates with other bloggers, it can cause a bit of confusion. As someone who wears both the blogger hat and blogger outreach/PR hat, I have experienced all sorts of confusion when this happens.

Blogger A can tell other bloggers in a not so private Facebook group on how she was paid £XXX amount for a sponsored post with a fashion brand. Other bloggers would start to wonder why they were only offered £XX even though their blog is a lot better than Blogger A’s blog (or so they think). This confusion eventually reaches the PR, which usually creates more drama. The other bloggers may decide to push for what Blogger A got by all means. Which usually means they end up with £0 depending on their PR’s mood, the campaign and how badly they are needed.


Envy is the name of the game

Some bloggers have no discretion. They shout from the rooftops about how much they are paid for various campaigns, regardless of whether they are asked for the exact figure or not. Or they moan about how little a PR has offered them for a campaign, which means they usually charge a lot more than that. This causes envy amongst the blogging community which isn’t needed.

I work on blogger outreach with various clients and I have done this for years. I know bloggers that charge as little as $30 and I know bloggers that charge as much as $1000 for 1 blog post. But you will never catch me online talking about these rates with anyone. I think it is so unprofessional and completely unnecessary.


The only way is deceit

Check out this scenario – PR mentions she needs bloggers for a sponsored post on a Facebook group. Bloggers leave their details as normal. PR contacts Blogger B for a super easy 300 words sponsored post with a £40 plus Paypal charges. Blogger B accepts the offer and gets to work. Hours later, another Blogger leaves a comment in the same Facebook group about the PR’s offer asking if anyone got a higher fee. Blogger B responds saying she got £65 instead of £40 (which is a lie) and for the blogger to push for more. The PR sees all this but doesn’t say a word. She has to remain mute and professional to save her client’s brand. I know this because the PR was me.

I see this happen everyday with many bloggers lying about what their rates are and what they got for a blog post. The lies still shock me  I have come to realise that the blogging industry is a dog eat dog industry, and many people are just out to bring others down. It is a sad but true fact which is why we bloggers need to have a mind of our own and not go with the flow. The destructive or ruthless competition is not going away anytime soon.



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The Verdict

So back to the question, should bloggers share their rates with other bloggers? As a blogger, I would say YES to a certain extent but with discretion. You can give an idea of what you earn if you are comfortable doing so. It would definitely help someone who has no clue on what to charge. But as someone who works in blogger outreach, I would say NO. It causes confusion, envy and too much bad blood. So do share valuable honest information with discretion. 

What bloggers need to understand is that various blogs appeal to different people/brands in so many ways. Just because you have the same domain authority as the next blogger does not automatically mean that you would be paid the same rate. Brands look at so many different things when it comes to putting a price on a blog post. My advice is to focus on what you are doing and the figure you are happy with. Pay little or no attention to what other bloggers are doing. Trust me, it works!

16 responses

  1. Getting sucked into the conversations, or even just reading them, when bloggers are debating over fees or anything else that has more than one answer, really makes me start feeling negative and questioning myself! I try to avoid them and feel happier for it. I agree with your ‘pay no attention to what other bloggers are doing’. It’s definitely helpful when we’re helping each other, but not if we’re putting each other down or telling each other what we can/can’t charge!

    • This is so true Victoria. I avoid these conversations online too. Never ends well. Thanks for reading.

  2. So interesting. I too have heard bloggers say they only accept X amount and then sign up for a $40 post or a job which I know is 10 x less than their “minimum”. I think it’s best to just focus on ourselves and as you say be discrete when we need to be.

    • I see that all the time Angela. It doesn’t surprise me anymore. I just worry for the bloggers that don’t have a mind of their own.

  3. Blogger or not, when it comes to the price and money being silent sometimes is a better choice over being honest! Knowing the values anonymously might also be good.

  4. Interesting blog and opinions here. I’ve not come across anyone lying about the amounts they get paid, but at the same time, why not? People lie about all sorts, don’t they? I like when people are honest about their earnings as it gives me a benchmark as to what to ask for. I do think it’s important to understand that PRs will value different blogs at different rates so not to expect the same amounts, but it at least gives some level of fairness to the playing field!

    • I agree completely. There should be some level of fairness. Sometimes it doesn’t look like there is any. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. It’s so hard when it comes to blogging what you should put out there and what you shouldn’t. i do believe people inflate what they make so they make people feel badly and quit. You are right it’s a dog eat dog world sometimes out there. Although for those who are honestly making a good amount, if you don’t tell other bloggers they might drive down the cost of what you make as well, as they accept jobs for less money and companies decide that the more experienced blogger who puts out a better product is not cost effective. The biggest thing is it comes down to relationships and building ones with people you trust. That’s the name of the game ultimately.

    • I get what you mean. There are pros and cons when it comes to discussing fees. I think the pros outweigh the cons most times.

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