Keeping Energy Costs Down this Winter

This season is usually very expensive thanks to the holiday season and cold weather. We spend all our money on Christmas presents and decorations, warm clothing (at least for the kids), and on keeping our home warm. Prior to being a mummy, I had a full-time job in Manchester in one of the big energy companies. I was in the Home Move department, so I dealt with opening and closing accounts when customers move in and out of houses. It was interesting to see how much people spent on keeping their homes warm, and I had to learn various energy-saving tips, in order to be able to advice customers correctly.

It is important to ensure we keep our energy costs down, or we will be spending a fortune every year on energy. Now keeping the energy costs down does not necessarily mean we have to sit in a cold house. It means we have to be smart when it comes to using energy, so we don’t waste money.


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Here are 5 energy-saving tips that you may find useful –


Ensure your Radiators, Boiler and Hot Water Tank are working properly

Make sure you have your Boiler and Hot Water Tank (if you have one) serviced annually. It is best to get the service done every year just the winter season. That way any faults will be picked by the Gas Safety Engineer. We get ours done for about £60 every year, and it is money well spent if you ask me. It just gives you that extra peace of mind that all your appliances are working as they should.

Our Gas Safety Engineer checks all the Radiators as well to be make sure they are all working properly. The last thing you would need is to have a breakdown issue during winter, with the freezing weather. We have had to buy some replacement parts over the years, which our engineer recommended we did to avoid a more serious issue. There are many companies you can find that offer these replacement parts, boilers and radiators when needed. You can check out this supplier for more info.


Fix your Deal

I always ensure we go for a fixed energy tariff. That way our prices are fixed for the duration of the contract. It has helped us save hundreds of pounds. We don’t have to deal with the fluctuation in prices. It is the oldest trick in the energy-saving book, but it is amazing how many people still do not do this.


Have a Timer

Our heating is timed to come on at certain intervals, and so is our hot water. That way we don’t have our heating on all day. It also helps keep our home warm but not too warm.




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Wash at 30 degrees

I do all of my laundry at 30 degrees, and I have been doing so for many years now. Our clothes are washed properly and my energy bill is low. Washing at 30 degrees means I don’t waste hot water, because the more hot water I use, the more I have to heat up.


Switch it Off

If it is not in use, switch it off. Switch off radiators in rooms not in use, lights in empty rooms, and appliances not in use. Doing that can save you some money every year. Research has shown that switching off lights when you step out for a bit can save £10 a year.


What do you think of these energy-saving tips? How are you keeping your energy costs down this winter? Please share your tried and tested tips below.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


*Collaborative post.





16 responses

    • Yes it is a waste if you ask me. Don’t understand why anyone would decorate in November. We don’t have ours up yet. Plan to get them up this weekend, but won’t have the lights on all day.

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