What to pack for a hot weather holiday

The proper weather is almost here. We enjoyed some sunshine and a proper heatwave over the Easter break, which was very nice. The weather is not a bit wet and chilly, which is expected in spring. But last week’s heatwave has left me even more hungry for summer. I am seriously looking forward to the lovely sunshine and being able to show some more skin, but not the hay fever bit. Has it the weather treating you at your end?

With the summer holidays close in sight, I have been thinking of places we could go with the kids. When it comes to a hot weather holiday, you have to make sure you have packed the essentials, especially when you are holidaying with kids. Forgetting the important items can put a strain on your holiday. Spending the holiday money on buying essentials you have already at home can be very annoying. Which is why you have to ensure you pack smartly for your holiday.



Hot weather holiday image

What to pack for a hot weather holiday

Here are some essentials you will be needing for a hot weather holiday –



Don’t forget to take Sunscreen. It is really important you protect your skin from the sun rays, especially when you are out and about in the lovely sunshine. Whatever you do, don’t forget your sunscreen, and make sure it is dry before dressing to avoid getting marks on your clothing.



Having a couple of dresses with you while holidaying in a warm climate makes a lot of sense. Dresses are easy to wear and style up and down. I find them very comfortable in the summer months, which is why I take them on holiday with me in the summer. It also saves me more space in my suitcases. Instead of packing a top and a skirt or pair of jeans for a day, I just take a dress.

They are also multi-tasking, as I can slip a sundress over my swimsuit and seat on a beach or by the pool. I can also wear the sundress with a pair of sandals while exploring my holiday location.


The Right Footwear

You need to ensure you have packed your flip-flops for the beach and your sandals and flats for exploring. A stylish pair of gladiator sandal is always needed. Good to take more than 1 just incase. If you are going to be doing more of sitting on a beach, then all you will probably need more than  1 flip-flops.

Having the right footwear while on holiday is very important. Wearing uncomfortable or inappropriate can mess up your mood for the whole holiday. You won’t want to explore in sky-high heels for long, you won’t be comfortable.



hot weather holiday picture



Sunglasses and Hats

I pack at least 1 pair of sunglasses for each one of us. I also make sure we have our hats. These are hot weather holiday essentials. Leaving home without them would be horrific. Always check to make sure your sunglasses protect against UVB and UVA rays.


Swimsuit and Swim Bag

I like taking a couple of swimsuits with me for myself and the kids so we have options. Our swim bag goes on holiday with us every time, so we can carry them when they are wet. I always make sure to give them a good rinse with some detergent after every swim to prevent chlorine or salt build-up while on holiday.


Go Maxi and Free

I like to wear maxi and free dresses while on holiday especially, when it is warm. They keep my skin covered and they feel very comfortable. Packing a couple of maxi dresses for your holiday is great. Go for maxi dresses with thin straps to show off your shoulders and back.


Do you have any summer holidays booked?


24 responses

  1. The warm Easter weather has got me really looking forward to summer. I have had a sort out of my wardrobe and found all my maxi dresses which I cant wait to start wearing again

  2. Yup been wearing light clothes, the sun is so hot nowadays good thing there is wind that makes the day a lil bit colder. Love your style 🙂

  3. Great tips to stay cool during a summer holiday. Sunscreen, sunglasses and a wide rimmed hat is a must. I also stay away from dark colored clothes because they make me feel warmer.

  4. I will take some maxi dresses with me next time we are going somewhere for the weekend. I never thought of taking maxi dresses with me on a summer holiday because I thought it would be too warm to wear long dresses, but you are right. They don’t stick to your skin and provides some sort of protection from the sun’s rays.

  5. Ohw my, inevitably weather this season is affecting our lifestyle so as the way we clothe, thanks for sharing these great and practical tips, these surely helps!

  6. I live in Florida and it feels like Summer already! Couldn’t agree more with your packing list guide. I also loved your dress!

  7. I remember one vacation where I wore the worst shoes. I had to throw them and get new ones. Being uncomfortable in your shoes while travelling is the worst.

  8. Yeah we do have travel plans booked with the family. Your advise and tips in packing are so helpful. Cant wait for summer already

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