15 Things You Need To Know About Self Love

*Collaborative post.

Self love encompasses many things, not just looking in the mirror and thinking you look nice. Self love is all about becoming your own best friend, putting your needs first, and letting everybody know what a badass you are. Below, we’ll take a look at 15 things you need to know about self love. By the end, you’ll know exactly what to do to fall head over heels in love with yourself! 



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  1. You Are Enough

The first thing you need to know, is that you are enough. This makes a wonderful mantra! Repeat this to yourself whenever you’re feeling unsure of yourself and your worth. You are enough whatever your size or shape, whatever your situation. You don’t have to change or be anything that you’re not right now. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make changes if it’s what you really want, but understand that you don’t have to. 


  1. Comparing Yourself To Others Is A Waste Of Time 

Comparing yourself to anybody else is a complete waste of time. No two people are the same. You are completely one of a kind and unique, so why on earth would you want to compare yourself to anyone else? Especially if you’re doing the comparisons via social media. You just don’t know who’s telling lies on social media, who is photoshopping their bodies, and whose only showing you the great things that happen to them. 


  1. Focus On Your Strengths

Rather than focus on the things you believe aren’t enough or your weaknesses, focus on your strengths. What have you always liked about yourself? What do other people comment on a lot? What are you most proud of? What are you really good at? 


  1. You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To

Many people put off following their dreams and passions because of a lack of confidence. They just don’t think that they have what it takes to get to where they want to be. However, if you don’t try, you won’t get there! You have to change your mindset, and realize that with enough positivity, effort, and visualization, you can get just about anywhere. 


  1. You Are Not Your Thoughts 

Many people closely associate themselves with the thoughts they are having. If they find themselves having negative thoughts one day, they assume they are in a terrible mood and let everybody know about it. However, you are not your thoughts. If you find yourself thinking negatively, think of your thoughts as like a radio station and just change the channel. Flip negative thoughts around and try to see any and all positives you can. Alternatively, just think about something else. You get to choose what you focus on. Of course, you might want to see a doctor and have an assessment if negative thoughts are taking over your life, as you may have a chemical imbalance and need treatment. 



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  1. You Are Not What Others Think of You

Other people don’t like you? So what? You’re not them, and they don’t matter to you. You are not what others think of you, or what they say you are, you are what you say you are. Remember that. 


  1. Your Body Is The Least Interesting Thing About You

So many people don’t love themselves or think they are not worthy of love because their bodies don’t fit into society’s ‘ideal’. However, you have to remember that your body is the least interesting thing about you. Obsessing over it will do you no good. If you’ve been considering surgery such as breast enlargement to enhance your self image, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. While having things like this done can give you a little confidence boost, they won’t help you at all if you don’t love yourself. They won’t fix all of your problems.  


  1. You Have To Love Yourself First

Before you can love anybody else, and before you can enjoy the love that you truly deserve, you need to love yourself. Pure and simple. If you’re single, stay single until you love yourself. You can’t expect your partner to do it all for you. Plus, when you love yourself, you’ll attract healthier relationships. 


  1. You Need To Protect Your Energy

Protecting your energy is all about setting boundaries and not letting what others say and do affect you. This means being careful about who you spend time around, as well as what you agree to doing. Say no to things you don’t want to do. This is an act of self love in itself. Avoid relationships that you know are no good for you – even if it’s a friendship. You don’t owe anybody anything, especially if they are making you feel terrible. 


  1. Learn How To Accept A Compliment 

We’ve all deflected a compliment at one time or another, but there’s no nobility in this. Chances are, this person is giving you a compliment because they genuinely believe it. Rather than telling them they are wrong, or that they are better, just say thank you. That’s all you have to say. Isn’t it strange how we can recall almost every nasty thing somebody has said to us, but we can’t remember the compliments? Try to commit them to memory!


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  1. Perfection Doesn’t Exist 

Striving for perfection isn’t a good idea. Perfection does not exist. Everybody and everything is flawed in its own unique way. Embrace whatever your ‘flaws are’, whether this is cellulite, stretch marks, or something else. Let go of perfect and you’ll feel free. 


  1. The Things You Do Every Day Really Add Up

Remember, when it comes to self love, it’s about the things you do each day. These things really add up. You can’t expect to work yourself to the point of burn out each week, take a bath and it all go away. You need to constantly practice looking after yourself. This means sleeping well each night, eating well balanced meals each day, exercising in a way you enjoy multiple times a week, having fun, avoiding toxic influences and habits, and even meditation. 

These little habits make the biggest difference, so make the effort to incorporate them into your daily routine now. For example, you could start your day with a pint of water, head to the gym for half an hour, eat a balanced breakfast, read a chapter of a self help book, meditate for 10 minutes, and then start on your chores. If you can do as many of these healthy habits in the morning as possible, you won’t be able to make excuses for not doing them later in the day. Life can get in the way, and we tend to slow down as we approach the afternoon, so get these things done. 

If you skip something one day, don’t fret. Just do it the next day. It isn’t about being perfect, it’s about being consistent. 



  1. Go After What You Really Want

Don’t stay in a job you hate, and do things every day for somebody else when you could be working towards your own goals and dreams. You have to go after what you really want, because nobody else is going to do it for you. Don’t know what it is you really want? Figure it out. Take your time. Then go for it. Here are a few ideas:

  • Take short classes and workshops to get an idea of your hobbies and interests
  • Do something while you enjoy it. If you stop enjoying it, don’t do it.
  • Think about the lifestyle you’d like to lead. 
  • Would you like to work for yourself? Start a business? 
  • Keep a journal and see if there are any clues! 


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  1. Head To New Places

When you visit new places, you’ll learn so much about yourself. Solo travel is even better, because it gives you the perfect opportunity to get comfortable with your own company and figure out your likes and dislikes. Many people hate the idea of travelling alone because they are scared of being by themselves. For this same reason, many people don’t like to be single for long. However, enjoying your own company is one of the greatest pleasures of life. Solo travel and see how you like it!


  1. Don’t Talk Down Your Achievements 

When talking to somebody about your achievements, don’t play them down. Telling people about things you’ve achieved doesn’t make you boastful or bigheaded. Let people know what you are capable of, and be proud of yourself! 


Self love can be tricky to navigate, especially if you grew up believing loving yourself was a bad thing. Loving yourself will be one of the most important things you learn to do, but it’s essential if you’re going to live a happy, healthy life, full of great relationships with other people. How you feel about yourself will greatly impact your interactions with others, and your life as a whole. Don’t kid yourself into thinking it won’t make a big difference. It will. 


What are you going to do today to practice self love? Leave a comment!


11 responses

  1. Great post Stella and so important that people are reminded to look within. If they are struggling to also explore the various therapies that are out there.

    So many people cant do self love and/or self care for many reasons. It is something I have had to learn over many years.

    Meditation and spiritual speakers are a big part of my daily life. I always advocate people start with Eckhart Tolle on You Tube before working further up into the more complex. Eckhart keeps it beautifully simple and I always come back to listening to him at least once a week.

    He helps keeps things simple in a world where people tend to over complicate things.

  2. Pingback: 15 Things You Need To Know About Self Love - Shari Brawley Blogs

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  4. Pingback: 15 Things You Need To Know About Self Love - fashionandstylepolice - Shari Brawley Blogs

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