You can’t pour from an empty cup

The older I become, the more I start to take good care of myself. The saying – you can’t pour from an empty cup is so true. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t care for others, which is why I now pay attention to my both my physical and my mental health. As a twin mum, it is so easy to put myself last every time. I still put myself last every now and again if I am being completely honest, but I am now conscious about the fact that I need to care for me in order to care for everyone else.


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The easiest way to avoid burning out is to make sure your cup is filled. Pay attention to your well being and mental health. Don’t neglect yourself in the process of taking care of everyone else. Ensuring your cup stays filled, depending  on your lifestyle, can be tricky in this day and age with so many responsibilities and distractions. But this is not something you should push aside. Here are some quick tips you can implement today to help you pay more attention to you –


Stay active

It is 2019 and there are so many ways to stay active, so no excuses. You could go to a gym or bring the gym to your house thanks to YouTube. There are so many fitness videos on the platform to get you moving. All you need is time, a good internet connection and dedication.

Going for walks is another way to stay active. The school run helps me get out and about on my feet. Walks are a good way of staying active. They are also great for my mental health as they help me clear my head.


Spoil yourself

You should ensure you spoil yourself every now and again. Do something you really enjoy at least once a day/week. It doesn’t have to be anything pricey or complicated, it could be as simple as reading a book you enjoy or watching a great TV show in the evening when the rest of the house is asleep. It could also be booking a massage session for yourself or getting your house cleaned while you just relax and unwind. Whatever it is you do, the most important thing is to make sure the activity leaves you relaxed and refreshed.


Get rest

The benefits of quality sleep are too many to mention in this blog post, but many of us already know all about the healing powers of sleep. Our body repairs itself while we sleep, so ensuring we get a good night’s rest is another way to keeping our cup filled. I am very grumpy when I don’t sleep well, so I make sure I get a decent amount of sleep every night to feel like myself. I aim for 7/8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.


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Say NO more often

I have never been a Yes person, but the older I have become, the more I now say NO. It is ok to say Yes if you want to and if you really mean it, but don’t feel obliged to do things just because someone is asking. If it is not convenient or it is too much of an ask, say NO. Say Yes to yourself more, yes to getting adequate rest, spoiling yourself, and just being there for yourself more. It is great for your well being and state of mind.


Follow your passions

Focus on yourself and follow your passions. You are of no use to anyone if you are unhappy or depressed. Your dreams and heart desires matter, so pay attention to them.


Healthy boundaries

There is power in having healthy boundaries because they create healthy relationship, that is best for everyone. While lack of boundaries create toxic  settings. Having healthy boundaries are great for your health and they help you stay mindful of you. I can go on and on about the importance of making sure you have your boundaries up when dealing with people. Healthy boundaries help you have great relationships with yourself and others.


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Stay away from toxic relationships

Speaking of healthy boundaries, toxic people don’t like boundaries. They like to suck the life out of people, which is why it’s best to stay away from them. Once I read you and I see you are trouble, I stay very far away.


Remain positive

It is so easy to develop a negative mindset with all the issues and challenges we encounter. However, we must remain positive in other to attract positivity into our lives. I choose to remain positive no matter what life throws at me. It can be hard on some days but I quickly pick myself right up. That way I am happier and my cup remains full. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.


How do you ensure you cup stays full? Please share any self care tips that has worked for you.


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