Where to get blog post ideas

Many people wonder how I get to write blog posts almost everyday. Apart from the fact that I love writing and it comes naturally to me. I have created a lifestyle spot here on Fashion and Style Police that allows me pretty write about anything I want. From fashion and beauty, to travel and parenting. Having a lifestyle blog gives me that creative freedom to write whatever I want t write about, and that means I have more content on the blog to publish.

Inspiration is everywhere when it comes to looking for blog post ideas. I never have to look for ideas for my blog to be honest. Ideas are everywhere. From what I observe when out and about, to the shows I watch on TV or books I get to read on my Amazon Kindle. I am never out to ideas. The way I see it is different. If you spend time living, you will never run out of ideas, but if your focus is blog post content, then you may struggle.


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Here are some ways you could get blog post ideas depending on your niche –


Review Posts

Reviewing products or services you have experienced is also a great idea. I love reading and writing product reviews. I never buy a new product or go somewhere new without first googling about reviews about the product or place. Review posts are very helpful and Google loves them. I try to publish at least 1 review post a week and I am never in search of what to review because they are right in front of me.


Outfit Posts

If you are into fashion and style, publishing outfit posts is a great idea. I have not published a new outfit post for ages now for many reasons. But I will be back and better in a bit so look out for some interesting content.


Makeup tutorial

Makeup tutorials are popular on YouTube but you can also blog about them with steps and great photography. If you are into makeup, this will be a great creative outlet for you.


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Parenting tips

Every parent has a story and a unique journey that many will find useful, so if you love writing and you are a parent, sharing your unique story will help many. That is the whole idea behind parent blogs and networks, but that doesn’t mean your blog has to be a parent blog for you to write about parenting. You can incorporate parenting blog posts alongside other niches like travel, health, and even fashion.

This is one area I plan to write more about in the Kids Section Category on the blog. I feel like I have so much to share and it has been a neglected category for some months now, but it will be revived soon with useful; hacks and tips.



Like I sad, you can write about pretty much what you want as along as it ties in with your message/brand. I love reading lifestyle blogs as the varied content keeps me engrossed. I get bored really quickly so a tight niche blog is my cup of tea.


Where do you find blog post ideas?


17 responses

  1. Lots of great inspiration here! Sometimes it can be hard to think of blog content – I usually look at my life and what I’d like to talk about within it 🙂

  2. I tend to write about what I’m interested in at that moment, so if I’ve got some new clothes, I’ll write about them, if I’m researching kitchen ideas for our house, I’ll write that

  3. Pingback: How to fight off writers' block - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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