The 3 dos for a healthy body mindset

Health is wealth, and we should always ensure our overall health is in a good shape. Having a healthy body mindset helps our physical and mental health in so many ways. Which is why I decided to write a follow up post on the 3 dos for a healthy body mindset. If you missed the blogpost on the 3 don’ts for a healthy body mindset, you can have a read to play catch up.

dos for a healthy body mindset image

The 3 dos for a healthy body mindset
Eat quality healthy food

Eating quality healthy food is a very important tip for having a healthy body mindset. Like many things, you should always pick quality over quantity when it comes to food. Starving yourself to achieve the perfect body won’t end well.

Pamper yourself

Self-care is so important especially with all what we are experiencing all over the world. You should take out time everyday to pamper yourself. Falling in love with yourself and caring for yourself is the fastest way to achieve a healthy body mindset. Your body won’t look beautiful on the outside if you are not happy on the inside.

Exercise is good for you

Many of us know this tip but it really cannot be overemphasised. Exercise is really good for you. Apart from helping you achieve the right body and mindset, it is great for your mental health. A quick 30 minutes workout will keep you in a good mood for hours. You don’t have to hit the gym to exercise. Gyms are closed anyways so best to find other ways to workout if you are not fortunate to have a gym at home. There are lots of online workout sessions you could try, going for a long walk or a good old run still works wonders. Dancing is another way to exercise. That is my current workout method at the moment.

What do you think of these 3 dos for a healthy body mindset? How do you ensure you maintain a healthy body mindset?




5 responses

  1. Could do better is the first one re food. Though I do eat good decent food. I do like my sweet stuff a bit too much.

    Self care isn’t a problem for me, as I live a spiritual life, involving meditation, listening to spiritual teachers and I am a long term member or a 12 step program etc. I also have a weekly pamper night so that was is fine.

    Exercise I’m on/off with. Started Zumba online again in lockdown. Another could do better.

    They are all important Stella

  2. Pingback: 14 Benefits of Investing in Your Health and Wellness - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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